The world agreed to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Nine planetary boundaries set an upper limit to Earth system impacts of human activity in the long run. Conventional efforts to achieve the 14 socio-economic goals will raise pressure on planetary boundaries, moving the world away... from the three environmental SDGs. We have created a simple model, Earth3, to measure how much environmental damage follows from achievement of the 14 socio-economic goals, and we propose an index to track effects on people’s wellbeing. Extraordinary efforts will be needed to achieve all SDGs within planetary boundaries.
Religion and Development 01/2019. Discussion Paper Series of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development
The “Wuppertal Call” – Contributions and Recommendations from an
International Conference on Eco-Theology and Ethics of Sustainability
Wuppertal, Germany, 16 – 19 June 2019
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019
ATLAS on substance use (2010) — Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders
Accessed: 14.03.2019
L’alcool peut être un produit d’agrément, il peut aussi être un produit engendrant l’ivresse et la dépendance, avec des conséquences négatives pour la santé et l’entourage.
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Opiates, cocaine, cannabis
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 4
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 5
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Il est prouvé que l’activité physique régulière aide à prévenir et à traiter les maladies non transmissibles (MNT), telles que les cardiopathies,
les accidents vasculaires cérébraux, le diabète, ainsi que les cancers du sein et du côlon. Elle aide également à prévenir l’hypertensi...on, la surcharge pondérale et l’obésité, et peut améliorer la santé mentale, la qualité de vie et le bien-être.
The Guide
Ratgeber Parkinson – Englisch
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Le guide
Ratgeber Parkinson – Französisch
Accessed: 11.03.2019