Department of AIDS Control
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Caribbean Sub-regional Training Workshop. Introducing the new guidelines: Preparedness and Response for Chikungunya Virus Introduction in the Americas in the context of Dengue
Following the encouraging initial results of the pilot project, the Ministry of Health is committed to increasing access to MDR-TB diagnosis, treatment and care. An expansion plan for the programmatic management of drug-resistant TB has been developed and forms part of the Five Year National Strateg...ic Plan for TB Control, 2011-2015. The long-term goals of the MDR-TB expansion plan are threefold:
1. Diagnosis of MDR-TB in all groups of patients at risk for MDR-TB
2. Diagnosis of MDR-TB in all HIV-infected TB patients
3. MDR-TB treatment for all patients diagnosed with MDR-TB under WHO-endorsed treatment protocols
Projekt „Monitoring des Managements von Ausbruechen durch respiratorische Erreger in Pflegeeinrichtungen"
The Integrated Management of Adolescent/Adult Illness (IMAI) approach
This factsheet describes the work and activities of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Mozambique as well as its impact in this country.
Introduction, preparations to submit, submission procedure, requirements, main narrative of the protocol, definition of terms. | For Research and ethics clearance in Lesotho
Document opérationnel technique sur la prévention et la prise en charge des cas de paludisme en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)