Amoris laetitia: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family (19 March 2016)
Les Standards Minimums de la Protection de l’Enfant (SMPE) définis en 2012 par le GTPE présentent 26 normes nécessaires pour assurer une protection adéquate des enfants dans les situations d’urgence.
Information for Migrations
Informations destinées aux migrants
Building Capacity for Disability Inclusion in Gender-Based Violence Programming in Humanitarian Settings, Tool. 7
Destaques das diretrizes de 2013 da Organização Mundial da Saúde
This document provides interim recommendations for the surveillance of Zika virus infection, microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, in four different contexts and describes reporting requirements to WHO. Transmission refers to vector-borne transmission, unless specified differently. Autochthonou...s infection is considered to be an infection acquired in-country, i.e. among patients with no history of travel during the incubation period or who have travelled exclusively to non-affected areas during the incubation period. This document does not provide guidance on laboratory investigation or vector surveillance.