What is Violence Against Women? Why does it happen? What does it have to do with development? What does Oxfam do to end violence against women? What does it mean to do that work with a transformative approach?
Available in: English, Arabic, French, Spanish: https://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publ...ications/ending-violence-against-women-an-oxfam-guide-254118
MICS surveys measure key indicators that allow countries to generate data for use in
policies and programmes, and to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and
other internationally agreed upon commitments.
SAMS team rose to meet these challenges, delivering world class COVID treatment with four newly established COVID hospitals complete with 100 ICU beds and state of the art equipment like ventilators, monitors, and oxygen generators. By using innovative technologies, SAMS’ physicians were able to s...hare the knowledge they gained treating
Ensuring reproductive rights for all
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals” provides information about the SDGs, their background, the global reality and offers assistance and suggestions on how to teach and support learning for sustainable development.