COVID-19 is a serious disease and all people living with HIV should take all recommended preventive measures to minimize exposure to, and prevent infection by, the virus that causes COVID-19. As in the general population, older people living with HIV or people living with HIV with heart or lung prob...lems may be at a higher risk of becoming infected with the virus and of suffering more serious symptoms.
Millions of children in Yemen could be pushed to ‘the brink of starvation’ due to huge shortfalls in humanitarian aid funding amid the COVID-19 pandemic – according to a new UNICEF report marking more than five years since conflict escalated in the country.
This progress report reviews recent gains, new developments and remaining challenges as countries approach the 2020 targets of the Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free framework.
Последнее обновление: 6 марта 2020 г.
Лабораторное подтверждение случая COVID-19 влечет за собой тщательное расследование. Поскольку в настоящий момент в продаже еще н...т наборов для ПЦР, анализы могут занять несколько дней и даже дольше. ВОЗ рекомендует начинать расследование немедленно, что потребует экстренной оперативной поддержки и снабжения необходимыми материалами.
Временное руководство
19 марта 2020 г.
Данный документ предоставляет временное руководство лабораториям и заинтересованным сторонам, участвующим в лабораторном ...естировании пациентов с вирусом COVID-19.
Документ частично основан на временном руководстве по лабораторному тестированию на коронавирус, вызывающий ближневосточный респираторный синдром (MERS).1-6 Информация о заражении человека вирусом COVID-19 постоянно обновляется, ВОЗ продолжает следить за развитием событий и по необходимости пересматривать рекомендации.
The Guide to operationalize HIV viral load testing HIV presents 60 lessons learnt from the project in a systemic approach including: viral load strategy, laboratories, procurement and supply management, patient care and economy.
Internally displaced children are twice invisible in global and national data. First, because internally displaced people (IDPs) of all ages are often unaccounted for. Second, because age-disaggregation of any kind of data is limited, and even more so for IDPs.
Planning adequate responses to meet... the needs of internally displaced children, however, requires having at least a sense of how many there are and where they are. This report presents the first estimates of the number of children living in internal displacement triggered by conflict and violence at the global, regional and national levels.
It's time to deliver differently.
Accessed: 13.11.2019
UNICEF’s Global HIV Response 2018 – 2021
Accessed: 02.11.2019
Downloaded from on 10/19/2019
Developed by the HHS Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of Children Living with HIV—A Working Group of the Office
of AIDS Research Advisory Council (OARAC)
Zero new HIV infections
Zero Discrimination
Zero AIDS related deaths
Accessed: 04.10.2019
Global Fund Investment Guidance for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Accessed: 29.09.2019
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry60:5 (2019), pp 500–515
The figures and findings reflected in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) represent the independent analysis
of the United Nations (UN) and its humanitarian partners based on information available to them. While the HNO aims
to provide consolidated humanitarian analysis and data to help inf...orm joint strategic humanitarian planning, many of
the figures provided throughout the document are estimates based on sometimes incomplete and partial data sets using
the methodologies for collection that were available at the time. The Government of Syria has expressed its reservations
over the data sources and methodology of assessments used to inform the HNO, as well as on a number of HNO findings.