Wichtige Lerntools, Apps, Dokumente zu Kulturtransfer, Gleichberechtigung, Arztbesuch, Helferkreis-Organisation, Übungen zum Anhörungsverfahren, Familienzusammenführung, Rechtsberatung und rund ums "Arbeiten.
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) refers to “all procedures involving partial
or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female
genital organs for non-medical reasons.”FGM/C is a violation of girls’ and women’s
human rights and is condemned by many in...ternational treaties and conventions, as
well as by national legislation in many countries.
Der Flyer Gleiche Rechte für Frauen und Männer informiert darüber, dass in Deutschland für Frauen und Männer die gleichen Rechte gelten. Der Text, in dem verdeutlicht wird, dass geschlechtsspezifische Gewaltformen in Deutschland verboten sind, ist jetzt auch in Bulgarisch, Rumänisch, Russisch,... Somali und Türkisch erhältlich
WHO Zika Virus - Questions & Answers for pregnant women (French version)
WHO Factsheet (Portuguese version). January 2016
When an infection strikes, and medicines like antibiotics (and other antimicrobials) do not work, you can lose your entire stock of animals to disease. This also puts the health of you and your family at risk when the infection can spread between animals and people. Save lives and livelihoods by fol...lowing the advice below starting today!
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) refers to “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”1 FGM/C is a violation of girls’ and women’s human rights and is condemned by many int...ernational treaties and conventions, as well as by national legislation in many countries. Yet, where it is practised FGM/C is performed in line with tradition and social norms to ensure that girls are socially accepted and marriageable, and to uphold their status and honour and that of the entire family. UNICEF works with government and civil society partners towards the elimination of FGM/C in countries where it is still practised.
We created this booklet to share our patients’ stories with a larger community. Too many historical injustices go unacknowledged in Iraq, and human rights abuses continue to this day. We feel it is essential to uncover these injustices and help our patients speak out, in the hope that one day all... people will enjoy their fundamental human rights in Iraq.
The Nutrition Program Design Assistant is a tool to help organizations design the nutrition component of their community-based maternal and child health, food security, or other development program. The tool focuses on prevention and also provides guidance on recuperative approaches that are needed ...when there is a high prevalence of acute malnutrition.
Within the first few hours after birth, most healthy newborns will instinctively move to their mother’s breast and attach on their own. This video shows early breastfeeding initiation through the journeys of 3 newborns and ways to support the practice with mothers and staff.
Willkommen bei Deutschland für Anfänger!
ألمانيا للمبتدئين
"Deutschland für Anfänger" richtet sich an arabisch sprechende Menschen, die neu nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Über Deutschland gibt es viel zu erfahren und zu wissen. Gesetze, Verhaltensregeln, Gewohnheiten, Traditi...onen, Rechte und Pflichten. Mit unseren Videos möchten wir Neuankömmlingen den Start in Deutschland etwas erleichtern. Geflohene Bürger haben verständlicherweise viele Fragen
What every clinician should know
The maternal deaths audit is one of the three major strategies recommended by WHO for the
reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality.
Objective: To measure the impact of maternal death and nears miss review on maternal mortality and morbidity
after 7 years of practice at the University Hospital... of Mother and Child “Lagoon” of Cotonou.
Hounkpatin, et al., Clinics Mother Child Health
2016, 13:1
Children malnutrition eradication in developing countries is a real challenge, especially among
vulnerable population. There are so many effort towards women (who are the main care providers)
socio-economic situation in order to improve their children nutrition. This article aims to identify the
...impact of mothers’ activities on child nutrition and care. Interviews were used to collect data from
mothers of children less than 5 years old. Pearson correlation test and regression models were
performed to highlight relation and to identify the main factors that affect child nutrition and care. The
nutritional statuses of children show a high prevalence of underweight (38.46%), emaciation (25.17%)
and stunting (23.77%). Statistic results show that a child whose mother has food processing as main
activity has 2,322 more times to not suffer from emaciation malnutrition compared to a child whose
mother has trade as main activity. A child whose mother has high revenue has 1.463 more times to
not be suffering from stunting malnutrition compared to a child whose mother has lower revenue. A
child whose father has fishing as main activity has 8,4 more chance to not be suffering from stunting
malnutrition compared to a child whose father has another activity as main activity. A child whose
father is present in the household has 8.11 more chance to not suffer from stunting malnutrition
compared to a child whose father is absent. A child from mother who has food processing as main
activity is 2,464 more times preserved from fever compared to a child from mother whose main activity
is trade. Moreover child position, child feeding with porridge, child nursing are correlated with mother
activity. This situation is justified by the fact that mother need money to improve child nutrition and
health but they are also confronted to the fact that those activity that provide significant money are
sometime time consuming and not permit to take care of children in term of feeding practices, hygiene
control etc. Therefore it is important that intervention towards women take in consideration those
factors (money and time) but also the family in the whole.
Worauf muss eine Fachperson in der Zusammenarbeit mit einer oder einem professionellen interkulturell Dolmetschenden achten?
This report aims to estimate the economic cost of providing regular access to healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation, compared with the cost of providing treatment in emergency cases only. Two specific medical conditions – hypertension and prenatal care – were selected as examples, an...d their associated costs were calculated using an economic model. This model was then applied to three EU Member States: Germany, Greece and Sweden. The testing suggests that providing access to regular preventive healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation
would be cost-saving for governments.
Willkommen in Deutschland! Diese Orientierungshilfe enthält nützliche Tipps und Informationen für das Leben in Deutschland. Laden Sie den Refugee Guide als handliche Informationsbroschüre (pdf-Format) herunter, in 17 verschiedenen Sprachen. Anschließend können Sie den Refugee Guide ausdrucken ...und verteilen. http://www.refugeeguide.de/downloaden-und-drucken/
Eurosurveillance is a European peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the epidemiology, surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases, with a focus on such topics that are of relevance to Europe
Wenn Patienten nur wenig Deutsch können, ist das Gespräch mit dem Arzt für beide Seiten schwierig. Laienverständliche Informationsmaterialen in verschiedenen Sprachen können die Kommunikation unterstützen und das gegenseitige Verständnis fördern. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden ausgewählte In...formationsblätter in sechs Sprachen übersetzt. Themen u.a. : Antibiotika Resistenzen; Antibiotika Therapie; Asthma; COPD; Depression; Diabetes; Rückenschmerzen;
Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund Practitioners and Policy Makers: Part A