Orientations provisoires
1er avril 2020
Les États Membres doivent améliorer les pratiques d’hygiène des mains de manière ambitieuse afin d’aider à prévenir la transmission du virus de la COVID-19 :
1. en fournissant un accès universel à des postes publics d’hygiène des mains et ...en rendant leur utilisation obligatoire à l’entrée et à la sortie de tout bâtiment commercial public ou privé et de tout lieu de transport public ;
2. en améliorant l’accès aux installations et aux pratiques d’hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé.
Accessed: 27.04.2020
United Nations Coordinated Appeal, April - December 2020
At the time of writing, many priority countries are working on or just issuing their revised plans for the COVID-19 response. Funding requirements have not yet been estimated for a number of countries. For this reaso...n, individual country requirements will be provided in the next update of the Global Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
The COVID-19 Global HRP is a joint effort by members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), including UN, other international organizations and NGOs with a humanitarian mandate, to analyse and respond to the direct public health and indirect immediate humanitarian consequences of the pandemic, particularly on people in countries already facing other crises.
24 April 2020
Policy considerations
for the WHO European Region
This document provides key considerations for Member States to help them to decide on the modulation
of large-scale restrictive public health measures
(i.e. movement restrictions and large-scale physical distancing), while at the... same time strengthening core public health service capacities (to identify, isolate,
test and treat every patient and quarantine contacts) together with personal protective measures (hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette) and individual physical distancing (>1 metre distance). The transition should be informed by national, subnational or even community-level risk assessments as the transmission of COVID-19 is typically not homogeneous within a country.
April 2020
This document explains the scope of the logistics services provided by the National Logistics Cluster, in support of the COVID-19 response in Nepal, how humanitarian actors and Nepal Government may access these services, and the conditions under which these services will be provided. T...he objective of the transport and storage services is to support humanitarian organisations and Government to establish a supply chain of medicines, medical goods and medical equipment mandated by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) for Prevention of COVID-19transmission, control and treatment to the hospitals and primary healthcare facilities.
Many countries are taking strict measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with lockdowns, curfews, and closure of public spaces and services. As a result of stress and uncertainty caused by these strict measures, women and girls are at even greater risk of violence at a time when their access to s...ervices is further reduced. With many people’s livelihoods and incomes significantly affected, together with movement restrictions, basic hygiene and menstruation items are unlikely to be prioritised.
10 April, 2020
Accessed: 27.04.2020
La crisis de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en la región se encuentra ante un nuevo desafío con la llegada del COVID-19. Esta población se ve particularmente afectada por las condiciones en las que se encuentran, en especial quienes están en zonas de frontera. El aut...oaislamiento, las medidas de higiene y el conseguir ingresos para el día a día representan una limitación evidente que está generando situaciones de calle, desplazamiento intra e inter fronteras, y exposición al COVID. Esta situación extrema inclusive está forzando a algunas familias a retornar a Venezuela.
Accessed: 27.04.2020
Selon les données partagées par CONASUR dans le mois de mars de 2020, le Burkina Faso compte avec près de 840 000 personnes déplacées internes à cause de la crise d’insécurité. Les régions du CentreNord, le Sahel et le Nord, enregistrent les chiffres des population...s déplacées internes plus hautes. À cette situation assez complexe en termes de besoins humanitaires, s’ajoute la déclaration d’urgence sanitaire à cause de la pandémie du COVID-19.
27 March 2020
Countrys: World and Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia
The restrictions on movement imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic constitute one of the largest single global challenges that the humanitarian community has ever encountered. Maintaining continuity and quality in the delivery of e...ssential assistance and services, including protection services, in the face of these restrictions requires operations to quickly innovate, leveraging fully the rich capacities and established networks within both communities of persons of concern, as well as host communities.
Putting Human Rights at the Heart of the Response
Topic in Focus: COVID-19 and Women’s Human Rights
15 April 2020
Stay-at-home restrictions and other measures restricting the movement of people contribute to an increase in genderbased violence, a finding confirmed by media reports, official ...statements and information received from OHCHR field presences and human rights defenders in many countries.
Women and girls already in abusive situations are more exposed to increased control and restrictions by their abusers, with little or no recourse to seek support. Hotlines receive reports of women being threatened with being thrown out of their homes, exposed to the infection, or having financial resources and medical aid withheld.
Accessed: 25.04.2020
El presente documento tiene por objeto brindar a las autoridades competentes algunas recomendaciones prácticas para reducir el impacto de la pandemia del virus responsable de la COVID-19 (“la pandemia”) en lugares de detención. El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (...CICR) reconoce que la prevención y el control de la pandemia resulta compleja y ha puesto a prueba a toda la sociedad y los sistemas de salud del mundo y la región. La falta de preparación, así como de recursos humanos, materiales, y financieros puede dificultar la respuesta a las necesidades de las personas que sufren de la enfermedad y la contención de la pandemia. Igualmente, se comprende que los lugares de detención, en particular aquellos donde existe sobrepoblación podrían ser espacios proclives a una rápida propagación del virus.
9 April 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting States in Europe with an extraordinary and unprecedented public health emergency. In response, States are taking necessary and legitimate measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect their populations. Some of these measures have been... taken within the framework of a declared state of emergency, based on specific national provisions governing emergency situations.
Date issued: 14 April 2020
The Global Fund is committed to ensuring that input from those closest to and living with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are included in every funding request to the Global Fund. Their input is critical to ensuring that programs are effective and designed to help those m...ost impacted.
Inclusive country dialogue and the engagement of civil society, communities, and key and vulnerable populations in the development of funding requests remains a requirement for receiving financing from the Global Fund.
Llammamiento Coordinado COORDINADO de las Naciones Unidas
Abril – Diciembre 2020
En el momento de redactar este documento, muchos países prioritarios se encuentran inmersos en la elaboración de sus planes revisados para la respuesta al COVID-19 o acaban de publicarlos. To...davía no se han estimado las necesidades de financiación para varios países. Por este motivo, las necesidades de cada país se reflejarán en la siguiente actualización del Plan Mundial de Respuesta Humanitaria.
To help health- and social-system leaders as they respond to unprecedented challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, teams from the McMaster Health Forum and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute – as part of their contribution to RISE – and the Africa Centre for Evidence have compiled a list of... evidence sources.
Bildiri notu | 16 Mart 2020
Zarar vermeme ilkesi, eşitlik, şeffaflık, insanlık: değerler ceza adalet sektörünün korona virüse yanıtını yönlendirmelidir
Bu metin yayınladığı sırada 164.000*’den fazla onaylanmış vakasının olduğu COVID-19 korona virüsü dünya çapında 11...0 ülkeyi etkisi altına almış ve 6,470 kişinin hayatını kaybetmesine yol açmıştır. Bu bildiri notunda, COVID-19 salgınının mevcut durumunu, hapishanelerde** alınan tedbirleri ve hükümetlere sunulan öneriler ile ceza infaz sisteminde var olan insanlar üzerindeki daha geniş etkilerini değerlendirmekteyiz. Bu metin hapishane personeli de dahil olmak üzere, cezaevindeki kişilerin karşı karşıya kaldığı risk göz önüne alındığında, hemen harekete geçilmesi gerektiğini savunmaktadır.
Брифинг | 16 марта 2020
Принципы «не навреди», прозрачности, равенства, человечности: ценности, которыми должен руководствоваться сектор уголовного правосудия в борь...бе с коронавирусом
На момент публикации было зарегистрировано более 164 000 * подтвержденных случаев COVID-19, новой формы коронавируса, в 110 странах с более чем 6 470 со смертельным исходом. В этом брифинге мы оцениваем текущую ситуацию со вспышками COVID-19 и меры по предотвращению их появления в тюрьмах ** и более широкое оказание мер со стороны правительства людям, находящимся в системе уголовного правосудия. Настоящим документом выражается призыв к действиям, которые необходимо предпринять незамедлительно, учитывая риски, которым подвергаются люди, находящиеся в тюрьмах, включая непосредственно сам тюремный персонал.
Die DGIM bietet in Kooperation mit med update als Absender von neutralem, vertraünswürdigem und hochaktuellem medizinischen Wissen ab sofort wöchentlich ein Update zu Covid-19. Jeweils mit den medizinisch fundierten Neuigkeiten der letzten Tage – kombiniert mit dem aktuellen Status zu jeweils... zwei relevanten Schwerpunkten.
Global Level
COVID-19: Vulnerability to containment measures (21/04/2020)
COVID-19: Government Measures: Impact on Displaced Populations (16/04/2020)
COVID-19: Scenarios + Comparison table (10/04/2020)
COVID-19: Government Measures Report (26/03/2020)
COVID-19 poses challenges in places of detention, given the specific vulnerabilities of detainees and difficulty of containing outbreaks in such settings. The ICRC's approach to COVID-19 in detention is anchored in support to the authorities who are primarily and ultimately responsible for the wellb...eing of detainees and staff.
In the context of a public health crisis, it is crucial to ensure good communication with detainees, staff and visitors on the scale of the pandemic and the measures taken to prevent its spread.
The ICRC has produced three sensitization and training videos for use by detaining authorities and for all in the wider public who may be affected by detention, such as families of detainees. Using an existing virtual prison environment, the recommended response of a fictional detaining authority is portrayed.
The International Corrections and Prisons Association is committed to provide you with the most up-to-date information. As we are all experiencing the effects of the Global Pandemic of COVID-19, ICPA reached out to colleagues from across the world, with the idea to collect useful resources that coul...d be implemented in our respective jurisdictions. Please feel free to download the documents