Factsheets, Posters and Audio Material
mhGAP Training of Health-care Providers Training manual and Supporting material.
Ce manuel a été conçu dans le but de fournir un matériel de référence complet sur le système de gestion de la qualité au laboratoire pour toutes les personnes intervenant dans les processus de laboratoire, tant au niveau de la gestion, de l’administration que du travail technique.
The SIMEX Series App, exercise material, how-to guides and support.
SIMEX Series is the UK’s largest annual international disaster response exercise. It is an operational (live controlled) field exercise designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise disaster event response ...plans, policies and procedures. Player participation comprises of; activate, mobilise, respond operationally on scene, report (internally and externally), implement short and medium-term plans, hand-over, demobilise and complete after-action reviews.
A story book on puberty for 8–10-year-old girls.
Education Material on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) for different age groups
Qualitfizierung in der Flüchtlings- und Migrationsarbeit. Materialien zum Asylrecht, Ausländerrecht, Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht und Freizügigkeitsrecht, Handreichungen und Broschüren für die Beratung
Guía para el facilitador: Personal de Salud. Material de apoyoLa publicación es el resultado de la participación de diversos actores sociales involucrados activamente en la lucha contra la tuberculosis, en el marco de la VIII Ronda del Fondo Mundial de lucha contra el SIDA, la tuberculosis y la m...alaria, que busca a través de una metodología participativa capacitar, e integrar los nuevos conocimientos y destrezas al uso cotidiano del personal de salud a fin de sumar acciones de lucha en favor de la adherencia.
Arbeitsblätter zum Globalen Klimawandel. Mit den vorliegenden Materialien können die SchülerInnen die Verknüpfung der Themenkomplexe Ernährungssicherheit und globaler Klimawandel erarbeiten. Diese in einer sich zunehmend globalisierenden und ständig wandelnden Welt verstärke...nden Zusammenhänge werden regional differenziert und vertiefend betrachtet
Este documento fornece orientações aos Estados-Membros da União Africana sobre considerações fundamentais em matéria de saúde mental e apoio psicossocial (MHPSS) em relação à pandemia de coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19). Contém orientações úteis sobre o MHPSS para a comunidade, profissi...onais de saúde, prestadores de cuidados de saúde a populações vulneráveis e pessoas em quarentena, isolamento ou centros de tratamento(1)
(2). Estas orientações têm como objectivo proporcionar medidas práticas para reduzir o stress, a ansiedade, o estigma e as perturbações psicológicas associadas à COVID-19 e melhorar a saúde mental e o bem-estar em geral. Estas orientações podem ser utilizadas para fins de planeamento por decisores políticos e ministérios de
saúde e instituições que coordenam a resposta de emergência à resposta da COVID-19 por parte dos Estados-Membros. Pode também ser divulgada às partes interessadas.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is when your coronary arteries become narrowed by a build-up of fatty material within their walls. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. CHD is sometimes called ischaemic heart disease.
n este documento de orientación se abordan las las consecuencias sociales, económicas y en materia de salud de las medidas adoptadas para controlar la pandemia en relación con el cierre de las escuelas, así como los elementos que deben tenerse en cuenta al reabrir y cerrar las escuelas, haciendo... hincapié en los niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad. Además, se plantean otras consideraciones para que los planes de reapertura de las escuelas incluyan medidas concebidas específicamente para beneficiar a los niños, niñas y adolescentes que tienen más riesgo de tener resultados desfavorables en materia de educación y salud por el impacto negativo, directo e indirecto, de la pandemia de COVID-19.
Under the theme “Stronger Together”, the campaign aims to offer information and strategies to assist communities in the region in better coping with the psychological impact of adverse events before, during and after a disaster situation. It also aims to raise awareness to reduce the stigma abou...t seeking mental health and psychosocial support.
You can download a wide range of communication material: videos, posters, radio jingles, guidebooks.
The Caribbean is highly prone to natural hazards, including seismic activity, hurricanes, landslides and floods. These events have resulted in lost lives, serious injuries and severe damage to housing and infrastructure. A single hurricane event can affect more than one island, and completely erase the gains of many years of productivity. As a result, these unpredictable hazards create disruption and have an ongoing impact on people’s lives - affecting their mental health and psychosocial well-being.
Although everyone is affected in some way by disaster events, there are a wide range of reactions and feelings that a person can experience. People may feel overwhelmed, confused or very uncertain about what is happening. They can also feel very fearful, anxious, numb or detached. People who feel safe, connected, calm and hopeful, have access to social, physical and emotional support and find ways to help themselves after a disaster, however, will be better able to recover long-term from mental health effects
Welcome to Learn About Nuclear Weapons! Learn about nuclear weapons is a web-based educational material from the Swedish Physicians against Nuclear Weapons in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Russian. For you who want to learn more about nuclear weapons, its consequences and what you can do to help c...reate a world without nuclear weapons.
Printable sheets with or without pictograms available in 29 languages on the website: https://www.gib-aids-keine-chance.de/materialien/fremdsprachig/kopiervorlagen.php.
Languages: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Itali...an, Kurdish (Kurman), Kurdish (Sorani), Lingala, Polish, Potugüse, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ucrainian, Vietnamese.
Printable sheets with or without pictograms available in 29 languages on the website: https://www.gib-aids-keine-chance.de/materialien/fremdsprachig/kopiervorlagen.php.
Languages: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Itali...an, Kurdish (Kurman), Kurdish (Sorani), Lingala, Polish, Potuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ucrainian, Vietnamese.
Printable sheets with or without pictograms available in 29 languages on the website: https://www.gib-aids-keine-chance.de/materialien/fremdsprachig/kopiervorlagen.php.
Languages: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Itali...an, Kurdish (Kurman), Kurdish (Sorani), Lingala, Polish, Potuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ucrainian, Vietnamese.
The Mass Information Toolkit aims to provide staff working with refugees a tool for producing
information material using standard office software (Word and PowerPoint) and hardware (office
printer) – circumventing tenders, high costs and lengthy processes involved in using a graphic
designer ... and illustrations adapted to the Syrian refugee context – which appeal to illiterate refugees
as well
The Toolkit can be found by accessing the link below:
The toolkit also comes with a video tutorial which can be found either accessing the actual toolkit or
by viewing it on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHDkidkL38&feature=youtu.be)
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has produced a three-volume series entitled Managing Hazardous Material Incidents. The series is designed to help emergency response and health care professionals plan for and respond to hazardous material emergencies.
- Volume I Emergenc...y Medical Services: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients
- Volume II Hospital Emergency Departments: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients
- Volume III Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures
Volumes I and II are planning guides to assist first responders and hospital emergency department personnel in planning for incidents that involve hazardous materials.
Volume III is a guide for health care professionals who treat persons who have been exposed to hazardous materials.
Las historias de estos tres niños ilustran a la perfección uno de los mayores logros de la humanidad en materia de salud pública: la vacunación para todos los niños y niñas.
Un centro de salud. Una campaña de vacunación. Un campamento para desplazados internos.
Estos son los contexto...s en los que niños y niñas como Marwan, Hind e Iman llevan décadas recibiendo sus vacunas. Y esos niños y niñas, cuando están protegidos contra las enfermedades, tienen muchísimas más posibilidades de poder prosperar, aprender y vivir una vida saludable.
Como descubrirás en este nuevo informe sobre el Estado Mundial de la Infancia, es esencial que tomemos medidas ahora para no dejar atrás a otros niños y niñas como Marwan, Hind e Iman.
Este cuestionario tiene como objetivo mejorar los criterios de inclusión al momento de entregar o indicar el Test de Sangre Oculta en Materia Fecal (TSOMF) a personas entre 50 y 75 años.