This handbook aims to help labour inspectors deal with the issue of HIV/AIDS.
It establishes the links between the key principles and core responsibilities of labour inspectorates and the management of HIV/ AIDS at the workplace.
It includes training activities and practical tools to help integrate HIV/AIDS in their work.
The Guidelines for essential trauma care seek to set achievable standards for trauma treatment services which could realistically be made available to almost every injured person in the world. They then seek to define the resources that would be necessary to assure such care. These include human res...ources (staffing and training) and physical resources (infrastructure, equipment and supplies).
"This Code provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with hazardous
chemicals for persons conducting a business or undertaking who use chemicals in their workplace."
Natural disasters often increase morbidity and mortality rates. Taking appropriate measures to maintain environmental health helps to reduce or eliminate the risks of preventable disease and death. Such measures contribute not only to the health of individuals in and near disaster-stricken areas, bu...t they also contribute to decreasing the high costs of providing emergency health services in the aftermath of disaster.
This document is divided into several parts. The first section primarily addresses the effects of natural disasters on environmental health conditions and services. In the second section, environmental health measures are described that should be undertaken in each of three time frames: the predisaster, disaster, and postdisaster periods.
The main aim of these guidelines is to enable the central units of national TB and HIV/AIDS programmes to support districts to plan, coordinate and implement collaborative TB/HIV activities. These guidelines reinforce current medical understanding, that highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART)... has decreased TB incidence of people living with HIV/AIDS. They are comprehensive, giving an overview of the range of activities that could be undertaken in high burden TB/HIV countries or where a rising prevalence of HIV might fuel TB. Activities highlight the need for comprehensive care, prevention and support for adults living with HIV/AIDS. Comprehensive TB and HIV care and prevention rely on full implementation of the DOTS strategy as part of a wide ranging HIV/AIDS care and prevention programme as well as collaborative TB and HIV programme activities.
Trauma can affect a refugee child on an individual, classroom, school, and family level. However, just because a student is a refugee, it does not mean he or she has experienced trauma and/or will exhibit symptoms related to trauma. Many refugee children adjust very well to new school settings and o...ften quickly pick up language and cultural norms in the school setting.
ICF is WHO's framework for health and disability. It is the conceptual basis for the definition, measurement and policy formulations for health and disability. It is a universal classification of disability and health for use in health and health related sectors. ICF therefore looks like a simple he...alth classifiation, but it can be used for a number of purposes. The most important is as a planning and policy tool for decision-makers.
This Manual covers all important aspects of echinococcosis, including parasite biology and life-cycles, geographic distribution and prevalence, epidemiology, clinical presentation in humans and animals, diagnosis and treatment, as well as control and prevention using newly developed tools and method...s. It also provides descriptions of important techniques and a large number of bibliographical references.
Manual Logistical Management of Humanitarian Supply
The flood of relief supplies that arrive in the aftermath of large-scale disasters often poses serious logistic and management problems for national authorities. SUMA is a tool for the management of humanitarian relief supplies, from the time pled...ges are made by donors, to their entry into the disaster area and their storage and distribution.
The Sphere Handbook is the oldest initiative in the field of humanitarian standards. It has been field-tested over twenty years and regularly updated to ensure it remains fit for purpose in a changing world. What does not change is its rights-based foundations: people have the right to assistance, ...the right to life with dignity, the right to protection and security, and the right to fully participate in decisions related to their own recovery
A New Version in English and French was published in 2018
Cuando la asistencia humanitaria es coordinada adecuadamente y responde a las necesidades reales, sus beneficios son mucho mayores para las víctimas y puede jugar incluso un papel importante en el desarrollo del país.
Where Women have no Doctor. You can download chapter by chapter
WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; no.3
The book has three main parts. The first part describes research in Viet Nam conducted on medicinal plants in line with the national policy of developing a system of medicine and pharmacy that integrates the modern and traditional systems. Th...e second part, which constitutes the core of the book, describes and illustrates the 200 most valuable species of wild and cultivated medicinal plants in Viet Nam. Each plant species is first documented by a full colour drawing illustrating the plant's distinctive features and natural colours. Explanatory notes for each species provide a concise description of the plant and give local names, flowering period, geographical distribution, parts used, chemical composition, and therapeutic uses. Information on indications and dosage is also provided.
To facilitate retrieval of information, the third part indexes plant species according to botanical name, Vietnamese name, and English name.
Large File to download: 75 MB!
The progressive development of peoples is an object of deep interest and concern to the Church. This is particularly true in the case of those peoples who are trying to escape the ravages of hunger, poverty, endemic disease and ignorance; of those who are seeking a larger share in the benefits of ci...vilization and a more active improvement of their human qualities; of those who are consciously striving for fuller growth.
El desarrollo de los pueblos y muy especialmente el de aquellos que se esfuerzan por escapardel hambre, de la miseria, de las enfermedades endémicas, de la ignorancia; que buscan unamás amplia participación en los frutos de la civilización, una valoración más activa de suscualidades humanas; q...ue se orientan con decisión hacia el pleno desarrollo, es observado por laIglesia con atención. Apenas terminado el segundo Concilio Vaticano II, una renovada toma deconciencia de las exigencias del mensaje evangélico obliga a la Iglesia a ponerse al servicio delos hombres para ayudarles a captar todas las dimensiones de este grave problema yconvencerles de la urgencia de una acción solidaria en este cambio decisivo de la historia de lahumanidad.
Malawi's Ministry of Health officially declared on August 16, 2023, that the cholera outbreak is no longer a national health emergency. Since the outbreak began in February 2022, the country recorded 58,982 cholera cases and 1,768 deaths. Through coordinated efforts by the government, development pa...rtners, and local communities, the outbreak has been contained in 26 out of 29 districts.
Only a few isolated cases remain in areas affected by Cyclone Freddy. The Minister of Health emphasized the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives to prevent future outbreaks. The World Health Organization (WHO) praised Malawi’s progress and pledged continued support to mitigate remaining risks.
The Ethiopia Cholera Outbreak - Flash Update #8 reports a worsening cholera crisis, with 11,407 cases and 156 deaths as of June 20, 2023. The outbreak, ongoing since August 2022, has spread across 79 districts in Oromia, Somali, SNNP, and Sidama regions, increasing by 85% since May.
Key challenges ...include contaminated water, insecurity, floods, and a global vaccine shortage, leaving 7.7 million people at risk. Only 15% of affected areas have contained the disease. A vaccination campaign has reached 1.9 million people, and 81 Cholera Treatment Centers (CTCs) have been set up, but funding remains critically low.
The United Nations (OCHA) warns that the upcoming rainy season may worsen the outbreak, requiring urgent intervention.
La vidéo "Choléra - Questions & Réponses" de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) explique les aspects essentiels du choléra, une maladie diarrhéique aiguë causée par l'ingestion d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés par la bactérie Vibrio cholerae. Elle met en avant les principaux symptôme...s, notamment une diarrhée aqueuse sévère, des vomissements et une déshydratation rapide, pouvant être mortelle sans traitement adéquat. La transmission se fait principalement par l’eau insalubre et les mauvaises conditions sanitaires. Pour prévenir la maladie, il est essentiel d'avoir accès à de l'eau potable, d'améliorer l'hygiène et l'assainissement, et d'utiliser la vaccination dans les zones à haut risque. En cas d'infection, la réhydratation orale ou intraveineuse est le traitement principal, tandis que les antibiotiques sont parfois administrés dans les cas graves. La vidéo insiste sur l'importance d'une intervention rapide et de mesures préventives pour limiter la propagation du choléra et protéger les populations à risque.
“¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas? Estrategias y recursos
didácticos para abordar el tema en diferentes contextos educativos” es
un proyecto de extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata a través
del cual buscamos promover el abordaje de la problemática del Chagas,
desd...e una perspectiva integral e innovadora en diferentes ámbitos y es-
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117: e220083chgsa, 2022
Two adjectives raise an issue for communicators working on Chagas disease (CD): “invisible and silent”. Two adjectives that can be ascribed to other neglected tropical diseases (NTD), but which are part of the essence of CD. Br...inging CD out of its situation of neglect and oblivion is a mission entrusted mainly to the world of communication as well as of science, politics and financial resources. However, communication has not always been considered among the priorities in the approach to the disease, except in valuable exceptions, some of which we have seen in the preceding article.