Title: Global Project on Pandemic Prevention and Response, One Health
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Global
Overall term: 2021 to 2024
this publication serves as a practical guide and useful resource for practitioners, farmers, scientists, and technicians to better understand the initiative undertaken by GGGI. In this compendium, GGGI provides the latest knowledge and capacity building materials on these topics and offers informati...on on the most relevant topics on technologies related to climate-smart agriculture and solar irrigation – both of which can be used as training materials.
The WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (ESFT) assists governments, partners, and other stakeholders to forecast the necessary volume of personal protective equipment, diagnostic equipment, consumable medical supplies, biomedical equipment for case management, and essential drugs for su...pportive care and treatment of COVID-19. The tool provides the user with a choice among several epidemiological methods for forecasting COVID-19 cases, including an integration with Imperial College’s Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) model.
We find ourselves actors in one of history’s greatest dramas—a lone species with an exceptional talent for bending the natural world toward our will, spinning through space on a stunning but fragile planet. We are waking up to planetary health - the understanding that our disruption of Nature is... threatening not just other species but also ourselves. Many of the solutions are in front of us. Do we have the will to implement them in time?
Steady progress in the scaleup of VMMC as an HIV prevention intervention in 15 eastern and southern African countries before the SARS-CoV2 pandemic
Frequenz, Adhärenz und Testqualität sind entscheidende Faktoren für den Erfolg
Epidemiologisches Bulletin17 |29. April 2021 . Im vorliegenden Artikel wird erläutert, wie Antigen-Schnelltests zur Pandemiekontrolle beitragen können. Außerdem werden die Chancen und Herausforderungen einer wiede...rholten Testung zur Reduktion des allgemeinen Transmissionsgeschehens und der zu erwartende Einfluss eines freiwilligen Testangebots auf das allgemeine Infektionsgeschehen diskutiert
Slideset updated regularly to reflect the state of the COVID-19 pandemic and to include the latest data and guidance on best practices for diagnosis and management; topics include global epidemiology, screening and diagnosis, natural history and clinical presentation, disease severity, medical manag...ement, and treatment options.
Waste management options such as recycling, composting, incineration and landfill impact health and well-being in profound ways, particularly for people who work directly with waste or live and work around waste sites.
The Urban Health Initiative promotes tools and guidance to assess the health impacts of air pollution and the health benefits of sustainable development in energy, transportation, land-use and waste.
The Tripartite AMR Country Self-Assessment Survey (TrACSS) helps to monitor country progress on the implementation of AMR national actions plans and has been administered on an annual basis by the Tripartite organizations (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisa...tion for Animal Health (OIE) and World Health Organization (WHO)) since 2016.
This report analyzes the global responses on the fourth round of TrACSS (2019-2020) and examines the global trends and actions towards addressing AMR in all sectors.
Complete country and global responses to all rounds of the survey can be accessed through the TrACSS database: https://amrcountryprogress.org/.
Summary of the main report: Direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 pandemic and response in South Asia .
It uses a series of exercises based on actual observed changes in services and intervention coverage to model impacts on mortality, hospitalizations, and ICU admissions due to COVID-19. It a...lso models the impact of nationwide stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of COVID-19 on maternal and child mortality, educational attainment of children, and the region’s economy. The study focuses on South Asia’s six most populous countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and makes the case for interventions and strategies to minimise these indirect consequences.
The NY Times variant tracker is perhaps the most accessible and relevant publication for non-molecular biologists and the general public
Each coronavirus contains nearly 30,000 letters of RNA. This genetic information allows the virus to infect cells and hijack them to make new viruses.
Findings, interpretations and conclusions
expressed in this document are based on infor-
mation gathered by GIZ and its consultants,
partners and contributors from reliable sources.
Discussions about climate change often focus on the future, but millions of children are experiencing its devastating impacts now. The scale of the crisis is huge, and growing fast. It is children that will bear the brunt of climate change, yet its impact on them is understudied, their voices are no...t being heard, and current solutions are woefully inadequate. It is a perfect storm that we must stop in its path – before it is too late.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic
Mit diesen Hilfen werden medizinische Teams in den Impfzentren und medizinisches Personal unterstützt: detaillierte Impf-Anamnese in Wort und Bild auf vier Seiten, Leitfaden zum effizienten Patientenmanagement vor Ort, wichtige Hintergrund-Infos zu möglichen Nebenwirkungen, hygienisch laminiert. ... Es gibt zahlreiche Übersetzungen für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
Nichts ist so wichtig wie eine funktionierende Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient. Unser Hauptfokus liegt hierbei auf Menschen, die wenig bis kein Deutsch können (oftmals mit Migrationshintergrund). Diesen muss vor Ort oder im Pflegeheim erklärt werden, was die Impfung gegen COVID-19 bedeutet. Und zuvor sollte eine ausführliche Impf-Anamnese erfolgen, die wir Ihnen hiermit ermöglichen.
Sie können die verschiedenen Sprachen hier https://medguide.world/de/bestell bestellen.
This resource includes posters with key messages for older adults on how to take care of their well-being and how they can provide support to those around them during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. It includes instructions for facilitators of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) on how ...to conduct guided conversations with older adults using these posters.
As the crisis in Syria moves into its second decade, a survey commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross highlights the heavy price paid by young Syrians.
1,400 Syrians between the ages of 18-25 were surveyed in Syria, Lebanon and Germany. Across the three countries, young peopl...e spoke of families and friendships torn apart, immense economic hardship and worry, frustrated ambitions, missed milestones and the profound psychological toll of years of relentless violence and disruption.
Contact tracing is a key element of WHO’s recommended approach to control the spread of COVID-19 by breaking the chains of human-to-human transmission.
This document provides guidance to health authorities at all levels to improve the success rate of contact tracing by informing efforts with RCCE... principles, evidence and activities, and provides ready-to-use tools for professionals involved in contact-tracing efforts to inform their practices with RCCE principles and likewise improve their success rate.
Die STIKO@rki-App wurde für die impfende Ärzteschaft und Fachpersonal im Gesundheitswesen entwickelt, um sie bei Fragen zum Impfen im Praxisalltag zu unterstützen. Mit wenigen Klicks bekommen NutzerInnen die für die Beratung der einzelnen PatientInnen relevanten Informationen.
Abrufbar in der... App sind auch die Fachinformationen aller Impfstoffe, Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zu Impfungen sowie die RKI-Ratgeber zu impfpräventablen Erkrankungen.
The COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolbox equips all countries to prepare for and implement COVID-19 vaccination by providing guidance, tools, and training. This toolbox is intended to support Ministries of Health, health workers, partner organizations, and other stakeholders.