For handwashing to be effective, it needs to be practiced consistently and thoroughly. Even when people have access to soap and water, and know how and why to wash their hands, many still do not properly wash their hands consistently at critical times. The handwashing behavior change challenge is no...t only to encourage people to wash their hands with soap, but to do so correctly and at all critical times.
Nudges are one example of a behavior change tool that can encourage people to wash their hands.
Although the evidence base for nudges is still emerging and nudges for handwashing have been tested primarily in single contexts or on a limited scale, this brief and infographic answer some frequently asked questions about nudges and provides examples of how they have been used in efforts to increase handwashing.
Global Nutrition Report 2017. Summary
All small babies are at risk of problems after birth. This video—for health workers—shows how to classify a small baby to determine further care. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Hindi, Khmer, Nepali, and Spanish
The birth of a small baby often can be predicted. This video—for health workers—shows how to prepare for the small baby’s special needs at birth. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Nepali, and Spanish
Cette animation donne vie à des messages clés qui aident les gens à comprendre et à comprendre comment Ebola se propage et comment se protéger et protéger leurs communautés.
Policy and systems. Global Mental Health(2017),4, e7, page 1 of 6. doi:10.1017/gmh.2017.3
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when disease-causing pathogens are able to withstand the killing or suppressing power of antimicrobial medicines. This phenomenon increases the global burden of infectious diseases and strains health systems.This course aims to improve the learner's awareness an...d understanding of the basic principles of AMR, the impact AMR has on individuals and society, and why it is a major public health concern.
A complementary course, Antimicrobial Resistance (Part 2), describes interventions that address the multiple factors contributing to AMR across the health system.
As an online disaster risk visualization tool, ThinkHazard! aims to provide users with information to make risk-informed choices. This is the first platform of its kind, allowing anyone to quickly find information on 8 different types of hazards in their search area. All information is open source a...nd users are able to download all information freely.
Les Standards Minimums de la Protection de l’Enfant (SMPE) définis en 2012 par le GTPE présentent 26 normes nécessaires pour assurer une protection adéquate des enfants dans les situations d’urgence.
This video reviews 5 key signs of severe infection in newborns, and provides 2015 WHO treatment guidelines when referral is possible and when it is not.
This video shows examples of babies with many of the signs of critical illness and includes the first care of the sick baby before referral.
This video shows how to prepare and draw up ampicillin and gentamicin for injection for a young baby.
This video shows how to evaluate and treat the baby with fast breathing as the only sign of illness
This video shows how to prepare amoxicillin correctly and some helpful tips for giving it to the young baby
This video shows important features of a home visit for a newborn in the week after birth, focusing on care and assessment.