The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on ambient (outdoor) air quality and health highlights the significant health risks posed by outdoor air pollution. It reports that in 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for approximately 4.2 million premature deaths globally, primarily due to ...exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancers. The fact sheet emphasizes that 99% of the global population lived in areas exceeding WHO air quality guidelines in 2019, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. To mitigate these health impacts, WHO advocates for policies and investments that promote cleaner transportation, energy-efficient housing, improved waste management, and access to clean household energy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on ambient (outdoor) air quality and health highlights the significant health risks posed by outdoor air pollution. It reports that in 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for approximately 4.2 million premature deaths globally, primarily due to ...exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancers. The fact sheet emphasizes that 99% of the global population lived in areas exceeding WHO air quality guidelines in 2019, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. To mitigate these health impacts, WHO advocates for policies and investments that promote cleaner transportation, energy-efficient housing, improved waste management, and access to clean household energy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on ambient (outdoor) air quality and health highlights the significant health risks posed by outdoor air pollution. It reports that in 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for approximately 4.2 million premature deaths globally, primarily due to ...exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancers. The fact sheet emphasizes that 99% of the global population lived in areas exceeding WHO air quality guidelines in 2019, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. To mitigate these health impacts, WHO advocates for policies and investments that promote cleaner transportation, energy-efficient housing, improved waste management, and access to clean household energy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on ambient (outdoor) air quality and health highlights the significant health risks posed by outdoor air pollution. It reports that in 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for approximately 4.2 million premature deaths globally, primarily due to ...exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancers. The fact sheet emphasizes that 99% of the global population lived in areas exceeding WHO air quality guidelines in 2019, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. To mitigate these health impacts, WHO advocates for policies and investments that promote cleaner transportation, energy-efficient housing, improved waste management, and access to clean household energy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on ambient (outdoor) air quality and health highlights the significant health risks posed by outdoor air pollution. It reports that in 2019, ambient air pollution was responsible for approximately 4.2 million premature deaths globally, primarily due to ...exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which leads to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancers. The fact sheet emphasizes that 99% of the global population lived in areas exceeding WHO air quality guidelines in 2019, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. To mitigate these health impacts, WHO advocates for policies and investments that promote cleaner transportation, energy-efficient housing, improved waste management, and access to clean household energy.
Dolutegravir HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) data from Africa remain sparse. We reviewed HIVDR results of Malawians on
dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy (November 2020– September 2021). Of 6462 eligible clients, 33 samples were submitted to South Africa, 27 were sequenced successfully, and 8 ...(30%) had dolutegravir HIVDR. Malawi urgently requires adequate HIVDR testing capacity.
Estimated annual number of deaths from drug use disorders, by type of drug.
Exposure to air pollution can affect everyone’s health. When we breathe in air pollutants, they can enter our bloodstream and contribute to coughing or itchy eyes and cause or worsen many breathing and lung diseases, leading to hospitalizations, cancer, or even premature death.
Minnesota’s ai...r currently meets all federal air quality standards. However, even levels of air pollution below the standards can affect people’s health, including levels currently found in parts of Minnesota.
No matter where you live, you can be exposed to air pollution from vehicle exhaust, smoke, road dust, industrial emissions, pollen, gas-fueled yard equipment, chemicals we use in our homes, and other sources.
Die Grafik zur deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zeigt die Entwicklung der finanziellen Mittel Deutschlands im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2024. Die absoluten Summen werden als Balken und in Eurobeträgen in Millionen dargestellt, während die Kurvenlinien die entsprechenden Prozentwerte im Verhältnis... zum deutschen Bruttonationaleinkommen (BNE) anzeigen. Das international vereinbarte Ziel für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit liegt bei 0,7 % des BNE und ist als gerade Linie im Diagramm eingefügt. Zudem empfiehlt die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), dass 0,1 % des BNE für gesundheitsbezogene Entwicklungszusammenarbeit bereitgestellt werden sollten.
Deutschland hat das 0,7%-Ziel bisher in keinem Jahr erreicht, wenn nur die realen Transferleistungen in die Betrachtung einbezogen werden. Die 0,1%-Empfehlung der WHO wurde lediglich im Jahr 2021 überschritten, was auf verstärkte Maßnahmen der Krisenreaktion zur Bewältigung der Covid-19-Pandemie zurückzuführen ist. In den Jahren 2020 und 2022 wurde die 0,1%-Empfehlung nahezu erreicht, blieb jedoch in den übrigen Jahren des betrachteten Zeitraums deutlich unerfüllt.
This Guidance was developed in response to the increase in HIV-related human rights crises and the shrinking civic space for rights-related responses to HIV in recent years across the world. This document builds upon existing guidance documents, offering updated guidance for country-based United Nat...ions staff (United Nations Country Teams) and partners to use their respective mandates to coordinate effective responses to human rights-related crises within the framework of the Resident Coordinator system, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, global HIV and human rights strategies and frameworks.
This guidance describes the methods and processes of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization in developing evidence-based recommendations, WHO vaccine position papers, and other immunization policy guidance. Its aim is to facilitate the work of SAGE, its working groups and the... WHO Secretariat, as well as to inform a wider readership, such as national immunization managers and national immunization technical advisory groups. The document will be updated, as necessary, as the methodology for evidence-based decision making evolves.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. Hyperglycaemia, also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common e...ffect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. Hyperglycaemia, also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common e...ffect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. Hyperglycaemia, also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common e...ffect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Diabetes Compact (GDC) was created as a global initiative to improve diabetes prevention and care, and to contribute to the global targets to reduce premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases by one-third by 2030.
Outdoor air pollution is one of the world's largest health and environmental problems. The Global Burden of Disease is a major global study on the causes and risk factors for death. These estimates of the annual number of deaths attributed to a wide range of risk factors are shown here. This chart i...s shown for the global total but can be explored for any country or region using the "change country or region" toggle.
The evolving epidemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus has challenged health-care professionals. It stands among the leading causes of mortality in the present world. It warrants new and versatile approaches to improve mortality and the associated huge quality-adjusted life years lost to it once diagnose...d. A possible venue to lower the incidence is to assess the safety and efficacy of various diabetes prevention strategies. Diet and exercise have a well-developed role in the prevention of weight gain and, ultimately, diabetes mellitus type II in high-risk individuals. However, high-risk individuals can also benefit from adjunct pharmacotherapy. In light of this information, we decided to conduct a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. This article summarizes the evidence in the literature on the pharmacological prevention of diabetes in high-risk individuals.