MOH Policy and Guidelines for Health Institutions
Decision-making for preparedness and response
These guidance notes on stress, grief and loss have been compiled by IMC’s Mental Health Advisor, Dr. Lynne Jones, for organizations working with Hurricane Katrina-affected populations. They represent lessons learned regarding mental health activities from IMC’s international experiences in disa...ster response, including the recent tsunami, as well as summarize best-practices identified by international agency consensus.
This book is a practical manual of mental health care for community health workers, primary care nurses, social workers and primary care doctors, particularly in developing countries.Helpful features include: over 50 illustrations and case studies, jargon-free explanations and descriptions, flow-cha...rts on common clinical problems, and a practical guide to the use of psychiatric medicines and simple psychological treatments.
Chapters 1, 9 and 10 can be found on the e-TALC CD-ROM number 2 (April 2003). See for details Links to Chapters 2 and 3 above. Printed copies of this book can also be obtained from the Royal College of Psychiatrists
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Annex 6
Ratgeber für ehrenamtliche HelferInnen und DolmetscherInnen im Umgang mit von Krieg und
Menschenrechtsverletzungen Betroffenen.
Extra Curricular Life Skills Training Manual For Adolescents 13 to 18 Years of Age
“Protecting Our Peers From HIV Infection”
The Youth Health and Development Programme Government of the Republic of Namibia and UNICEF Programme of Cooperation 1997-2001
November 1999
These guidelines are designed for settings with limited resources to provide inexpensive and effective control strategies for prevention of TB transmission in health care workers (HCW).
Training Activities for Community Health Workers
The document titled "Prevención y control del cólera" (Cholera Prevention and Control) provides essential guidance on preventing and managing cholera, a disease characterized by severe watery diarrhea and vomiting. Without prompt treatment, cholera can lead to death due to dehydration within hours.... The disease is primarily transmitted through the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected person.
To protect against cholera and other diarrheal diseases, the document emphasizes the importance of drinking safe water, such as bottled water with intact seals, boiled water, or water treated with chlorine products. Frequent handwashing with safe water and soap is recommended, and in the absence of soap, hands can be cleaned using ash or sand followed by rinsing with safe water. Proper sanitation practices, such as using latrines or burying feces and avoiding defecation near water sources, are crucial. The document also highlights safe food practices, including thoroughly cooking food (especially seafood), consuming it while hot, keeping it covered, and peeling fruits and vegetables. Ensuring the safe cleaning of kitchens and areas where the family bathes or washes clothes is also advised.
In case of diarrheal illness, the document stresses the immediate use of oral rehydration solution (ORS) to prevent dehydration and the importance of seeking medical attention as quickly as possible. Patients should continue ORS intake both at home and during transit to a health facility. These preventative measures and prompt treatment strategies are vital for reducing cholera transmission and mortality.
• People with diabetes are more likely to become seriously ill from COVID-19, than those who do not have diabetes.
• Unfortunately, persons with diabetes who get COVID-19 are more likely to die than those without diabetes.
El presente documento contiene directrices provisionales sobre la utilización de mascarillas en comunidades que han notificado la aparición de brotes causados por el nuevo coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Está dirigido a profesionales, coordinadores sanitarios, trabajadores sanitarios y... agentes de salud comunitaria que trabajen en la prevención y el tratamiento de las infecciones o en la esfera de la salud pública. El texto se irá revisando a medida que se disponga de más datos.
En la vida hay muchos acontecimientos que nos desequilibran, pero que aun así somos capaces de afrontar. Sin embargo, a veces nos pasan cosas tan
terribles que nos persiguen durante mucho tiempo y
nos provocan una enfermedad mental. Entonces se
puede tratar de un trastorno de estrés postraumát...ico
(o TEPT, para abreviar). El TEPT es un trastorno psicológico que puede aparecer a cualquier edad. Aquí
le informaremos sobre el TEPT en adultos. También
descubrirá qué posibilidades hay de tratamiento.
Información sobre el nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19) con una guía de acciones que los padres, madres, cuidadores y docentes deben saber para explicar y proteger a las niñas, niños y adolescentes.