a selection of 150 commonly used species 2nd. ed.
A Manual for mid-level rehabilitation workers.
This manual is to support the work of mid-level rehabilitation workers on their work with children or adults with spinal cord injury and their families. It refers to the physical effects of this type of injury, the different levels of injury and the ba...sic care of a person following a spinal cord injury. Available in Chinese and Mongolian, too
A guide for strengthening the basic nursing curriculum
Addresses the problematic to provide good laboratory services because of the quality and constancy of supply of laboratory reagents.
WHO TEchnical REport SEries No. 849
A guide for district health and rehabilitation managers.
This guide contains recommendations for strengthening disability prevention and rehabilitation within primary health care services. It is addressed to rehabilitation and general health care personnel within district health services, in partic...ular to the managers of those services
A practical manual - The book provides step by step guidance
to the process of rational prescribing, together with many illustrative examples. It teaches skills that are necessary throughout a clinical career.
Una guía práctica para la prescripción de medicamentos - Muestra cómo la prescripción de un medicamento es un proceso que implica muchas consideraciones, qué principios rigen la elección de un medicamento y cómo construir gradualmente una lista de medicamentos preferidos, productos con los q...ue uno se ha familiarizado plenamente para su uso en la práctica diaria. Se dan ejemplos de cómo seleccionar y prescribir medicamentos, garantizar su cumplimiento y comunicarse eficazmente con los pacientes. Por último, se examinan las distintas fuentes de información farmacéutica, describiendo sus cualidades y deficiencias.
Techniques for the district Hospital
The main purpose of this manual is to define a limited number of objective measures that can describe the drug use situation in a country, region or individual health facility. Such measures, or indicators, will allow health planners, managers and researchers to make basic comparisons between situat...ions in different areas or at different times.
This chapter is concerned primarily with situations where there are large numbers of deaths following a disaster, requiring organized services for handling the dead.