Standard Operating Procedures for Procurement in the Public Health Sector. Updated 2006.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat that requires urgent
collaborative action within and among countries. As a result of the worldwide reports of the increasing rates of AMR to hospital and community-acquired infections and in the agricultural sector, the Global Action Plan on AMR was... adopted in 2015. T
2014-2020, Draft March 2014
The full report you can download under
(Large File 11 MB)
Water security, or having the right amount and quality of water in the right place at the right time, fosters social and economic progress. Where water is sufficient to meet demand, it can promote economy wide growth and enable countries to reach their food security, energy security, and human devel...opment goals. Where it is scarce, excessive, or unclean it can exacerbate multiple dimensions of poverty. Neither of these two worlds is protected from future water crises, which are heavily influenced by changing local circumstances
Practical Guide on Trauma-Informed Approaches
Background paper prepared for theEducation for All Global Monitoring Report 2012 Youth and skills: Putting education to work