1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting |
In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ...key behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
Reading Material for ASHA no.8
A poster in Kirundi to raise awareness about typhoid fever among Burundian population in the refugee camp.
A poster to raise awareness about Ebola among children, showing ways how to protect yourself from infection. Also available in Kinyarwanda: https://www.unicef.org/rwanda/RWA_resources_iecebolaK.pdf
La présente étude commanditée par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et le Fond Mondial pourra aider à mieux cerner les problèmes que peuvent rencontrer les ASBC dnas la mise en Oeuvre de leurs activités. Elle pourra servir d'élément de base dans la planification des acitivités comm...unautaires.
L'objectif oursuivi par cette étude est d'évaluer les capacités de prestations des ASBC et l'environnement de l'offre des SBC.
As part of Tanzania's program to increase infection prevention and control throughout the country, an SBCC strategy was developed. Part of this strategy was the development of a handwashing poster for display.
En Dale un Giro a tu Alimentación te compartimos información sobre hábitos saludables, desde la alimentación, ejercicio y autocuidado, con el objetivo de sentirte bien desde todos los espacios.
This booklet avises on how to deal with unexpected emotions; changes in family routines and the relationship with the patient; Offers helpful tips on how to advocate for the patient within the health system and the community; Helps caregivers know what to expect when the end of life is near; Gi...ves tips on how to ask others for help; self-care.