Kyiv, Ukraine 22-24 November 2010
Meeting Report
Legislative and Policy analysis and recommendations for reform
GHWA Task Force on Scaling Up Education and Training for Health Workers
Communicable Disease Control Branch
Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), February 2010
This Policy for community-based health insurance answers the will of the Rwandan government to popularize the fundamental aces of the current policy. This document serves as an update to the first policy that was elaborated and published in 2004, and integrates all the changes that have occurred in ...the process since then. This new version of the policy for community based health insurance contributes to the fulfillment of the same objectives as the EDPRS and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). It integrates system experiences but more especially the devices adapted to the challenges with which community base health insurance are confronted at present.
Including Therapeutic Food, Dietary Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation - 2nd edition
Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges
L'objectif de la cartographie est d'obtenir une vision claire et précise des systèmes et politiques d'approvisionnement, de distribution et de financement des produits pharmaceutiques existants au Burkina Faso et de déterminer leur pertinence, leur cohérence et leurs forces et faiblesses en d’efficacité, d’efficience, de durabilité et d’impact à long terme au regard des normes et recommandations nationales, régionales et internationales relatives à la règlementation et aux bonnes pratiques pharmaceutiques et à l'efficacité de l'aide.
The limitation of a single sector approach. HNP Discussion Paper
Reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia | Working Paper Series: No. 11