Shaping Health programme on Learning from international experience on approaches to community power, participation and decision-making in health,AMHF, TARSC
In response to a call by the United Nations Secretary-General and the Governments of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, an international team conducted an Ebola Recovery Assessment.The aim was to contribute towards laying the foundation for short-, medium- and long-term recovery while the medical eme...rgency response continues to tackle the epidemic.
This summary report is based on a full report as well as three detailed reports submitted to each of the three governments as contributions to their national recovery planning processes.more
The report will describe how the Ebola Response MPTF, which has attracted contributions from 38 Member States, one business and many individuals, has offered a transparent and strategic tool to support the Ebola response. As of 31 January 2015, the Fund had total pledges amounting to US$142 million,... out of which US$132 million have been depositedmore
This module introduces the “Vaccinator’s Manual”, a guideline for vaccinators. The aim of the manual is to update EPI guidelines to include all the changes since the third edition of the Vaccinators Manual (2008)
Este relatório confere uma visão geral estado da epidemia HIV/SIDA em Moçambique e de como tem sido feita a resposta nacional à epidemia. Cobre também as boas práticas neste campo, tal como os principais desafios e acções correctivas.
D. Raben; S. F. Jakobsen; F. Nakagawa; et al.Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon (Euroopa); WHO Collaborating Centre on HIV and Viral Hepatitis; Centre for Health & Infectious Disease Research (CHIP)
T. Leonhardt; K. Mangino; S. Richiedei; et al.cedpa (The Centre for Development and Population Activities); ICRW ( International Center for Research on Women); ICW Global (The International Community of Women Living with HIVAIDS); et al.