Infection prevention and control measures for Ebola virus disease
UNICEF Indonesia's Issue Briefs about The Significance of Child Protection Systems : Key Findings from a Strategic Mapping Exercise in Six Provinces of Indonesia
A all for global Action. The Oral Health Atlas. Second edition
UNAIDS/WHO Working group
HIV/AIDS and STI surveillance 2015 / Reference
DHS Analytical Studies No. 51
Child Health, Family Planning, Geographic Information, HIV, Malaria, Maternal Health
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) January 16, 2015 / 64(01);20-27
Young children are especially susceptible to exposure to trauma. Rates of abuse and neglect among this population are staggering. This article presents a review of relevant literature, including research findings specific to early childhood vulnerability to trauma, symptoms associated with traumatic... events, diagnostic validity of early childhood trauma, and treatments for young children. In the past, misconceptions about the mental health of young children have hindered accurate diagnosis and treatment of trauma-related mental illness. Due to the prevalence of trauma exposure in early childhood, counselors are encouraged to become familiar with ways that clients and families are impacted and methods for treatment. Implications for future research also are presented.
of highly contagious viruses (of the Ebola or Marburg type) in the context of an epidemic outbreak in West Africa
Fiche Technique Ebola no.2
Bolkan HA, Bash-Taqi DA, Samai M, Gerdin M, von Schreeb J. Ebola and Indirect Effects on Health Service Function in Sierra Leone. PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2014 Dec 19. Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.0307d588df619f9c9447f8ead5b72b2d.
Inpatient health services have been severely affecte...d by the Ebola outbreak. The dramatic documented decline in facility inpatient admissions and major surgery is likely to be an underestimation. Reestablishing such care is urgent and must be a priority.