The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global body representing over 4 million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. We work to meet the world's health care needs. FIP is a non-governmental organisation that has been in official relations with the World Health Organization sin...ce 1948.
the Planetary Health Alliance issued a call for planetary health case studies to strengthen and expand the field of planetary health by shining a light on cross-sectoral solutions that optimize human health in the face of anthropogenic environmental change. After receiving submissions and proposals ...from organizations and institutions worldwide, ten diverse case studies were chosen to create a cohesive anthology of examples ranging in thematic area, problem-solving approach, ecosystem characteristics, and geographic region. Our freelance Case Study Writer, Hilary Duff, traveled the world in 2018-2019 conducting interviews with stakeholders and organization leads to build this anthology of planetary health stories. These cases invite students to reflect on the pressing realities of people living in vulnerability, the complex connections between people and planet, and how the anthropogenic acts of one generation can reverberate through the next.
Mycetoma is a chronic disease usually of the foot but any part of the body can be affected. Infection is most probably acquired by traumatic inoculation of fungi or bacteria into the subcutaneous tissue. So far more than 70 different bacteria and fungi have been indicated as causative agents.
The American Heart Association, in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health, annually reports the most up-to-date statistics related to heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular risk factors, including core health behaviors (smoking, physical activity, diet, and weight) and health factors ...(cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose control) that contribute to cardiovascular health. The Statistical Update presents the latest data on a range of major clinical heart and circulatory disease conditions (including stroke, congenital heart disease, rhythm disorders, subclinical atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart failure, valvular disease, venous disease, and peripheral artery disease) and the associated outcomes (including quality of care, procedures, and economic costs).
Die deutsche Lebensart muss vielen Flüchtlingen fremd vorkommen: Bürokratie, Pünktlichkeit und Hausmannskost. In "Marhaba – Ankommen in Deutschland" erklärt Constantin Schreiber für n-tv auf Arabisch Themen des deutschen Alltags. Click on the website link
This is the Filipino version of the article "How you can best look after your children in this situation" prepared by the Global Protection Cluster- Child Protection
Risk of spill-over of EVD to Uganda has been categorised as very high. On 28 September 2018, WHO elevated the risk at the regional level which includes Uganda from ‘high’ to ‘very high’. Uganda has a very long and largely porous border with the DRC. High population movements across the occur for various reason including for trade, social activities and services and asylum. There are cross-border markets in several border districts in Uganda and DRC that involve thousands of people crossing into and out of DRC and Uganda for trade purposes several days in a week.
The Strong Families Programme was developed and piloted in Afghanistan thanks to the generous support of the US-INL. To date, this programme has further been piloted in Central America, Central and West Asia, East and West Africa thanks to the support of Sweden, France and the US
This document is the first in a series jointly produced by WHO´s Division of Family Health and the Division of Mental Health around the general theme of women and mental health. The aim of the series is to create a forum to debate issues related to women´s mental health and to their contribution mental health care. This debate will contribute to the general reappraisal of women´s health problems, giving long overdue recognition to their strength and steadfastness in coping with the myriad problems that assail them, and pointing out future directions for research and action to address women´s needs.
The call to justice and peace has always been an essential part of the life of the Christian. Our sacred texts offer a constant reminder of the centrality of this call. In the Old Testament the prophet Micah tells us: “this is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, a...nd to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
This report presents the types of cluster munitions being used in the international armed conflict in Ukraine in 2022 and the civilian casualties immediately suffered and civilian objects damaged.
Due to the particular Amazonian situation of vectorial transmission based mostly on the wild cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi with diversity of triatomine vectors involved in effective transmission, and the variety of eco-epidemiological situations that facilitate such transmission, the countries of the A...mazon agreed that the development and strengthening of preventive actions based on comprehensive surveillance and detection of effective vectorial transmission, based on mandatory notification of acute or chronic cases, was required. In addition, it was recommended that surveillance and prevention and/or vector control actioDue to the particular Amazonian situation of vectorial transmission based mostly on the wild cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi with diversity of triatomine vectors involved in effective transmission, and the variety of eco-epidemiological situations that facilitate such transmission, the countries of the Amazon agreed that the development and strengthening of preventive actions based on comprehensive surveillance and detection of effective vectorial transmission, based on mandatory notification of acute or chronic cases, was required.
The EYE communication strategy is intended for use by all EYE partners and respective communication teams, as well as regional and country colleagues who will need to communicate about the work of EYE. It will also be publicly available for others, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and p...rivate sector organizations, who may wish to read or share content published about EYE.
Esta hoja informativa contiene información importante sobre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y la COVID-19. Entre otros aspectos, se aborda la información errónea que está circulando por las redes sociales y otros canales de comunicación acerca del alcohol y la COVID 19.
Lo más importante e...s que el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas no protege en absoluto frente a la COVID-19 ni evitará que usted contraiga el virus.
The Information Management (IM) & Assessment (IMAS) toolkit has been developed for Shelter cluster coordinators, and information management officers at country level. Building on the work done in reference to IM and assessments in the GSC coordination toolkit (CTK), the purpose of the IMAS is to as one point of reference for IM and assessment tasks and activities in support to core coordination functions.
The aim of this survey was to provide evidence-based recommendations to improve the overall quality of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Ukraine, with a special focus on the oblasts (administrative regions) of Luhansk and Donetsk. The objectives were to: describe the EMS system in Ukraine with reg...ards to its capacity, utilization and efficiency across selected geographic regions and catchment areas to assess the utilization and outcomes of current prehospital EMS care; identify perceived needs in key areas based on input from local stakeholders, including EMS providers, hospital-care providers administrative staff and patients; create an evaluation model of EMS performance; and provide recommendations for improvements to the EMS system in Ukraine.
Los antibióticos tratan solamente las infecciones causadas por bacterias. Como todos los medicamentos, los antibióticos pueden ser dañinos y deben usarse solo cuando sea necesario.
Wie kann ich einen Asylantrag stellen? Welche Rechte habe ich im Asylverfahren? Wie kann ich mich auf die Anhörung vorbereiten? Was kann ich machen, wenn mein Asylantrag abgelehnt wurde? Welche Wege und Möglichkeiten gibt es, neben dem Asylverfahren, um in Deutschland zu bleiben? Wen kann ich frag...en, wenn ich Hilfe brauche? Was ändert sich, wenn ich 18 Jahre alt werde? Dies und vieles mehr wird in einfacher Sprache erklärt und durch (Schau-)Bilder ergänzt, welche die erklärten Begriffe darstellen.
Wenn es Ihnen nicht möglich ist, die Sprache der fremdsprachigen Person zu bestimmen, zeigen Sie ihr bitte diese Sprachtabelle. In alle Sprachen übersetzt ist «Sprechen Sie jeweilige Sprache?» Die Person wird mit dem Finger auf die Sprache zeigen, die sie kennt und entsprechend mit grosser Wahrs...cheinlichkeit versteht. Sollten Sie vorlesen müssen, können Sie die Aussprache der rechten Spalte entnehmen.
The federally approved medical practice guidelines for HIV/AIDS are developed by panels of experts in HIV care. More information about the panels can be found in each set of guidelines.
The guidelines are available in multiple formats. The brief versions of the guidelines are compilations of the pa...nels’ treatment recommendations and tables.