Objective To assess the effectiveness of a community-based tuberculosis and leprosy intervention in which village health teams and health workers conduct door-to-door tuberculosis screening, targeted screenings and contact tracing.
It is often observed that educated women have lower birth rates than do the less educated, inviting a causal interpretation. However, educated women also differ from those who have never attended school in a
variety of other ways: the two factors are multiply related. This article analyzes the rela...tionship between schooling and fertility in contemporary Cameroon as both a statistical and a social phenomenon, using data from the 1998 Cameroon DHS alongside ethnographic field data collected by
the author. T
Informationen über Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus sowie Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht mit Bezug zur Corona-Epidemie hat WDRforyou erstellt. Die Informationen sind als Videoclips mit Untertiteln verfügbar.
In Zeiten von Corona ist es wichtig, die Infektionskette genau nachvollziehen zu können. Dies ist besonders bei nicht-deutschsprachigen Migrat*innen und Mitbürger*innen nicht immer einfach. Aus diesem Grund hat die Sächsische Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit zusammen mit dem Landratsamt Sächsis...che Schweiz-Osterzgebirge mehrsprachige Audiodateien für ein Telefonat mit dieser Zielgruppe verfasst.
Accessed October 2018
The Information, Orientation and Social Support Service (SIOAS) reaches out to people with disabilities, mainly through its mobile teams, in 35 of the poorest neighborhoods in Maputo, Matola and Beira and will soon also be present in Tete and Nampula; these are five of the mos...t populous urban centers in Mozambique. The SIOAS has a special focus on children.
O Serviço de Informação, Orientação e Acompanhamento Social (SIOAS) abrange pessoas portadoras de deficiência, principalmente através das suas brigadas móveis, em 35 dos bairros mais pobres de Maputo, Matola e Beira e em breve também estará presente em Tete e Nampula; estes são cinco dos centros urbanos mais populosos de Moçambique. O SIOAS tem um foco especial em crianças.
Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil y Paraguay
Workshop Report: Dhaka, Bangladesh 12-15 June 2023
Informationen über Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus sowie Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht mit Bezug zur Corona-Epidemie hat WDRforyou erstellt. Die Informationen sind als Videoclips mit Untertiteln verfügbar.
Learning pack. This pack presents a summary of exploratory qualitative research methods and
findings from frontline health implementers and communities conducted by the
research team in Ghana.
The document contains 2 decision trees, the first short one is to act fast and the second is to design better interventions
MANDATEHandicap International in Ethiopia aims at promotinginclusive access to humanitarian aid and development sectors for the most vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities. This includes providing access to services by supporting equal opportunities for people w...ith disabilities and vulnerable groups to access todevelopment of their country; mitigate impacts of crisis and support resilience for the most affected populations
On 13 August 2024, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) declared the ongoing Mpox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (PHECS). This was followed the next day by the World Health Organization (WHO), which extended the alert internationally as a public ...health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). After these declarations, many countries have made efforts to mobilize resources to introduce or expand laboratory testing, surveillance, and response activities. In particular, as the number of suspected cases surges in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, and the Central African Republic, and an increasing number of new countries report cases, there is an urgent need to implement testing to strengthen the Mpox response. However, access to appropriate quality assured diagnostics is a challenge. There is limited information on important characteristics, such as available test kits’ performance and ability to detect relevant clades.
To address the challenge of mpox access in the continent, the Africa CDC Diagnostic Advisory Committee (DAC) met in Kigali from 19-23 August 2024 to review the available evidence on molecular tests for Mpox and to shortlist tests that may be useful for Mpox testing in countries. The shortlist aims to provide guidance to Africa CDC, countries and partners on appropriate high-quality molecular tests to procure and use for the mpox response.
12 January 2021
The COVID-19 vaccines under development or approved by regulators are believed to be safe for most people, including people living with HIV.
This document is also available in Arabic and Portuguese.
SDG Factsheet: Health-focused urban design can roll back the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), making cities a bedrock for healthy lifestyles – as well as climate-friendly and resilient. WHO’s new Urban Health Initiative provides a model for the health sector to contribute to healthy ...urban planning and policies.
Le port d'un masque facial CORRECTEMENT, en plus de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène des mains et d'un éloignement physique, peut aider à prévenir la propagation de #COVID19 aux autres.
Chapter 29: Refugees and Displaced Women:
Flight and Arrival,
Basic Needs,
Reproductive Health,
Mental Health,
Women as Leaders
This visual story was created for kids to better understand the 2019 novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness it causes.
Lifeology is a platform that brings together scientists, artists, writers and broader audiences in the creation of educational content including mobile-friendly Lifeology min...i-courses that can reach anyone.
Obesity is a complex disease, with many root causes throughout society. That’s why we all need to work together to find solutions. Tackling the roots of obesity benefits everybody and will give us all the chance to lead happier, healthier and longer lives.
Learn more about obesity and its cause...s
Climate change is resulting in poorer health outcomes, increasing mortality and is a driver of health inequities. However, health is well placed to be a significant part of the solution; the positive health impacts from stronger climate change action can motivate stronger global ambition; health sys...tems which are resilient to climate change can help protect their populations from the negative impacts (in the short and longer terms); and sustainable low carbon health systems can make a substantial contribution to reducing national and global emissions.
This fact sheet on climate change and health is part of the Climate Fast Facts series of the United Nations Climate Action team.
Note d'orientation 7 juin 2022.
Ce document a pour but d'encourager les pays à élaborer et à mettre en œuvre des politiques visant à maintenir et à renforcer les programmes et mesures de prévention des infections dans les établissements de soins de santé dans le contexte de la transmission... actuelle du SRAS-CoV-2, tout en reconnaissant que les tendances épidémiologiques peuvent varier et que le risque de transmission d'autres agents pathogènes existe.