A guidebook intended for use by first responders
during the initial phase of a transportation incident
involving dangerous goods/hazardous materials
Iran J Public Health, Vol. 45, No.11, Nov 2016, pp.1521-1522
Print version ISSN 1809-9823On-line version ISSN 1981-2256
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. vol.19 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Mar./Apr. 2016
информационный бюллетень по теме инсульт
Доклад Секретариата по теме Деменция
The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions (IACAPAP) aims to promote the mental health and
development of children and adolescents worldwide. It seeks to achieve
this by contributing to the training and professional development of the
child and adole...scent mental health professionals by disseminating up-todate
and high-quality information through its publications, organization
of biennial international congresses, and study groups. IACAPAP has a
long tradition of publishing monographs released to coincide with the
congresses, with the first one published in 1970.
What it is and what you can do
Rev. Oct16 770-10-0003
Public Report
PQMC 0001-001-04 WHO PQMC Public Report November/2016, version 8.0
Basic Expectations for Safe Care
WHO Fact sheet on Zika virus (Spanish)
Updated: January 2016
Hoja informativa sobre el virus Zika que contiene recomendaciones para las mujeres embarazadas e información para el tratamiento, prevención y control de la enfermedad. Esta hoja también está disponible en inglés, portugués y francés !
Communities can play a critical role in suicide prevention. Facilitating community engagement in suicide prevention is an important task. The toolkit is a step-by-step guide for communities to engage in suicide prevention activities and have ownership of the process and keep efforts sustained. It is... hoped that the pilot version will be used, after necessary adaptation, in many countries and contexts, so that the final product can be strengthened and become more effective and user-friendly.
Version Révisée SEPTEMBRE 2016