Bull World Health Organ 2015;93:457–467 | doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.14.147215
short information for migrants on how to access medicines in Germany
The BBV/STI Glossary is a resource for interpreters, translators and others who work in a health setting. It offers an extensive list of English terms related to sexual health and blood-borne viruses (such as hepatitis), with easy to understand definitions.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
Manuel de mise en œuvre initiale
Also available in Arabic, German, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Other language versions can be found on the website of the German liver foundation: http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de/hilfe/informationsmaterialien/faltblätter.
This document serves as an introductory presentation of the revised cholera kits 2015.
The Countdown country profile presents in one place the best and latest evidence to enable an assessment of a country’s progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH)
Quick information on facts and expressions about radiation in alphabetical order