The context of the Ebola epidemic presented extreme challenges for Oxfam, as it did for many organisations. At the onset of the epidemic, there was a general lack of understanding of the disease and how to respond to it effectively and safely. A pervasive and persistent climate of fear, coupled with... changing predictions about the likely evolution of the epidemic, influenced analysis and response at all levels. There was strong pressure to treat the epidemic as a medical emergency requiring a medical response – organised through topdown processes – rather than standard humanitarian coordination
This guide presents information about the 2030 Agenda, how it connects to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and explores ways for persons with disabilities to be influential and participate in how they are achieved.
Plos Current Outbreaks 2015 May 15 . Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.c3576278c66b22ab54a25e122fcdbec1
In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis.
Accepting and Supporting Ebola Survivors, Orphans And Families Of Ebola Patients In The Community A Toolkit For Social Mobilizers And Communicators
An evaluation of the prescribing patterns for under-five patients at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital in Sierra Leone. J Basic Clin Pharma 2015;6:109-14.
Voices from Eastern Aleppo. A Compilation of Testimonies Illustrating the Hardships of Daily Life in Eastern Aleppo under Barrel Bombings, through the Eyes of Local Residents