Joining efforts to control two trelated global epidemics.
A report submitted to the International Labour Organization, Geneva
Guide pour les pays à faibles revenus.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
A practical manual presenting the specific knowledge, skills and practices that First Aiders should have to act safely and effectively when caring for people caught up in armed conflicts and other situations of violence, such as internal disturbances and tensions.
These training materials are designed as a “workshop in a box” that includes all the presentations, exercises, and step -by-step guidance for convening and conducting a 4-5 day practical laboratory workshop. Download the package.
This handbook aims to help labour inspectors deal with the issue of HIV/AIDS.
It establishes the links between the key principles and core responsibilities of labour inspectorates and the management of HIV/ AIDS at the workplace.
It includes training activities and practical tools to help integrate HIV/AIDS in their work.
These guidance notes on stress, grief and loss have been compiled by IMC’s Mental Health Advisor, Dr. Lynne Jones, for organizations working with Hurricane Katrina-affected populations. They represent lessons learned regarding mental health activities from IMC’s international experiences in disa...ster response, including the recent tsunami, as well as summarize best-practices identified by international agency consensus.
These guidelines are intended to help diverse actors, including donors and program implementers, develop and fund the programs to help landmine victims heal, recover and resume their roles as productive and contributing members of their societies. Intended to address the care and rehabilitation of t...hose victims who have suffered physical injury from landmines, many of the recommendations apply as well to support for other persons with disabilities
A Guide For Multicentre Trials in High-Burden Countries
A Guide for low income countries
Developed in collaboration with the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
A guide to protocol development for low-income countries