Nguyen HH et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2018, 21:e25151 |
verall strategy and objective of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day The overall objective of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day is to support national activities aimed at raising awareness concerning the proper use of antibiotics so as to maintain the efficacy of antibiotics and avoid the eme...rgence of resistant bacteria. To this aim, ECDC has decided to produce basic campaign communication materials that communicators in EU Member States can use in devising and implementing national campaigns. At the same time, a dedicated website will be launched in July 2008. These materials aim to provide a visual identity to the campaigns across the EU member states and make the messages more recognisable and consistent, thus memorable to the target audience. The choice of supporting visuals responds to the need of making the messages accessible to parents and young people, who represent the main target for the 2008 campaign.
Rutstein SE et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21579 |
Scientific advice
Prevention and control of communicable diseases in prison settings.
Октябрь 2017
Рекомендации EACS 9.0
Vreeman RC et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20(Suppl 3):21497 |
Johnson CC et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21594 |
ECDC MISSION REPORT 19–21 September 2016 ; 14–15 November 2016
This case study explores how the Talent Youth Association, supported by Link Up, promotes the integration of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula in Ethiopia in order to enable young people to understand and claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 22, No. 3, March 2016
Regional Operational Plan 2016 FY17 Strategic Direction Summary
2 May 2016
Single TB and HIV Concept Note Albania 2016-2018 27 April 2015
Le présent document s’adresse essentiellement au personnel des programmes de surveillance du VIH dont la tâche est de surveiller l’évolution de l’épidémie de VIH. Il décrit la manière dont les données recueillies systématiquement dans le cadre des programmes de prévention de la trans...mission mère-enfant du VIH ( PTME) peuvent être utilisées aux fins de la surveillance du VIH chez les femmes enceintes en consultation prénatale.