The document "Proteksyon Maladi" focuses on preventing waterborne and hygiene-related diseases through practical measures. It emphasizes the importance of personal hygiene, including washing hands with soap and clean water before eating, after using the toilet, and during food preparation. personal cleanliness is highlighted as a key step in preventing the spread of diseases.
Water safety is another critical focus, with recommendations to use treated or boiled water for drinking and cooking and to store water in clean, covered containers to prevent contamination. The document also addresses sanitation, encouraging the construction and maintenance of latrines to eliminate open defecation and promoting proper waste disposal to protect the environment and water sources.
Overall, the document serves as an educational resource, providing simple and effective strategies for communities to reduce the risk of diseases and improve public health through better hygiene, sanitation, and water safety practices.
The document "Prevansyon kont Diare" provides guidance on preventing and managing diarrhea. It explains that diarrhea, caused by pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and parasites, can lead to severe dehydration if untreated. Symptoms include vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite, with severe cases req...uiring urgent medical care.
To prevent diarrhea, the document emphasizes using treated or boiled water, washing hands with soap, cooking food thoroughly, and cleaning fruits and vegetables with safe water. It also provides a recipe for Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to combat dehydration: mix 1 liter of boiled or treated water with 8 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of baking soda. This solution should be consumed while seeking medical attention.
The document serves as an educational resource to promote hygiene and provide simple, effective solutions for preventing and managing diarrhea.
Topic: sèvi ak twalèt ak latrin
Organización Panamericana de la Salud (2016)
The document "J-esyon ak bon manipilasyon manje yo" focuses on proper food handling and hygiene practices to prevent contamination and foodborne illnesses. It provides comprehensive guidelines for individuals and communities, emphasizing the importance of food safety. Key recommendations include raw and cooked foods separate, ensuring thorough cooking of perishable items like meat and fish, and checking canned goods for damage or expiration before use. It stresses the need to use treated or boiled water for cooking, drinking, and washing food, as contaminated water can lead to diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, and skin infections.
The document also highlights critical hygiene practices, such as washing hands with soap and treated water before handling food or eating, and thoroughly cleaning food preparation areas. Proper storage of food at suitable temperatures to prevent spoilage is another key focus, along with protecting food from animals, insects, and other sources of contamination. Overall, the manual emphasizes that maintaining proper hygiene and safe food handling practices is vital for preventing illnesses and promoting public health, making it a valuable resource for educating communities on food safety.
The document focuses on household water treatment methods to ensure access to safe drinking water, particularly in areas with limited access to clean water sources. It highlights the importance of safe water, noting that contaminated water is a major cause of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea and... cholera. Treating water at the household level is emphasized as an effective way to reduce health risks.
The document outlines several treatment methods, including boiling, which kills most pathogens; chlorination, which disinfects water by adding chlorine; filtration, which removes dirt and certain microbes using simple or advanced filters; and solar disinfection (SODIS), which involves exposing water in clear plastic bottles to sunlight for several hours to kill microbes. Additionally, it stresses the importance of safe water storage, such as using clean and covered containers to prevent recontamination, and practicing good hygiene, including regular handwashing and maintaining cleanliness around water sources.
By promoting these methods, the document aims to raise awareness and provide practical solutions for improving water quality at the household level, thereby reducing the spread of diseases and enhancing public health.
This guide can be used to train nurses in the field to succeed in their role in the hypertension program. It teaches how to screen patients correctly, register and follow-up with patients, retrieve defaulters, record patient visits, and to report data.
Webinars, PDFs, Videos, papers in different topics e.g. adult congenital heart disease, aortic disease, atherosclerosis etc.
Campaña de comunicación para prevenir el inicio del consumo de tabaco en edades tempranas.
Este libro, editado por el Programa de Promoción de Vocaciones Científicas (VocAr) perteneciente a la Dirección de Relaciones Institucionales del CONICET, es producto del trabajo colectivo de personas que formamos del grupo ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas? (CONICET-UNLP-CIIE). Cada de sus páginas da cuenta del trabajo interdisciplinario que se viene llevando a cabo desde el grupo, a partir del cual se busca desarrollar un abordaje que refleje la complejidad de la problemática del Chagas. Se apuesta a construir y fomentar diversas formas de mirar y entender el tema -desde múltiples disciplinas, lenguajes y escenarios- porque consideramos que no hay un solo grupo de personas autorizadas para hablar de Chagas, ni una sola manera de hacerlo. El objetivo principal es promover el abordaje de la problemática del Chagas desde una perspectiva integral e innovadora en diferentes contextos educativos.
Fact sheet Cholera in Creole
Der BAGSO-Ratgeber informiert kompakt und verständlich zu Impfungen für Erwachsene ab 60 Jahren. Er gibt Antworten auf zwölf häufig gestellte Fragen, u.a. für wen welche Impfungen besonders wichtig sind, wo man sich beraten lassen kann und ob die Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. ...Ein Adressteil benennt Ansprechpartner, die bei Bedarf weiterführende Informationen anbieten.
Der BAGSO-Ratgeber informiert kompakt und verständlich zu Impfungen für Erwachsene ab 60 Jahren. Er gibt Antworten auf zwölf häufig gestellte Fragen, u.a. für wen welche Impfungen besonders wichtig sind, wo man sich beraten lassen kann und ob die Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. ...Ein Adressteil benennt Ansprechpartner, die bei Bedarf weiterführende Informationen anbieten.
Der BAGSO-Ratgeber informiert kompakt und verständlich zu Impfungen für Erwachsene ab 60 Jahren. Er gibt Antworten auf zwölf häufig gestellte Fragen, u.a. für wen welche Impfungen besonders wichtig sind, wo man sich beraten lassen kann und ob die Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. ...Ein Adressteil benennt Ansprechpartner, die bei Bedarf weiterführende Informationen anbieten.
Der BAGSO-Ratgeber informiert kompakt und verständlich zu Impfungen für Erwachsene ab 60 Jahren. Er gibt Antworten auf zwölf häufig gestellte Fragen, u.a. für wen welche Impfungen besonders wichtig sind, wo man sich beraten lassen kann und ob die Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. ...Ein Adressteil benennt Ansprechpartner, die bei Bedarf weiterführende Informationen anbieten.
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Erklärung für die Formulare
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