Rappart sur les populations clés.
Vers des ripostes au VIH et à la tuberculose opérant des transformations dans le domaine du genre
Experience of national TB partnerships
Networking for Policy Change: TB/HIV Participant’s Guide
“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS. It does not have to be this
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV and AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004.
Informe sobre poblaciones clave
Technical information note. Ensuring an uninterrupted supply of quality-assured, affordable anti-TB
drugs and diagnostics to the world
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Global Plan to end TB 2016-2020
Rapport sur les populations clès
Accessed November 2017
Informe sobre poblicationes clave.
Technical information note. Digital Adherence Technologies (DATs) such as the smart medication container
kit can help to support people affected by TB with their treatment in a modern
and ef-fective way. These technologies are able to deliver reminders and may
help em-power TB affected individual...s and their families to take their daily
medication at a time and place that suits them best. They also generate a
digital record of medication intake.
Key populations brief
Accessed 2017
“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS.
It does not have to be this way.”
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV /AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004
Fact sheet -Updated November 2015
Інформаційна брошура про туберкульоз
A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Accessed November 2017.
Informe sobre poplaciones clave.