Eur Respir J 2014; 43: 24–35 | DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00113413
treat TB
Description of Research Outputs, 2009 - 2014
Investigación original / Original research
Rev Panam Salud Publica 36(3), 2014
Progress in diagnosis: Akey in overcoming the MDR-TB crisis.
The expanse-TV project progress and impact brief.
Leitfaden für Fachpersonen des Gesundheitswesens. Grundlage des vorliegenden Handbuchs sind die aktuellen internationalen Leitlinien zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Tuberkulose.
Die vorliegende gekürzte Fassung ergänzt und aktualisiert das «Handbuch Tuberkulose 2012
What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Do
Report of Meeting: 4 November 2014, Roma
This paper, originally presented as a Sussex Development Lecture, asks how the Ebola crisis might offer a lens to reflect on interlaced challenges around curbing inequalities, accelerating sustainability, and building inclusive, secure societies, and why these matter so much. And it discusses why ad...dressing these interactions must become central to a renewed vision of development for all
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