Q 6. Does the provision of sterile injection equipment to injecting drug users reduce injecting related harm? Is advice on ways to reduce drug related harm safe and effective, using an outreach model of service delivery?
Original text from 2008, updated in 2012. This document marks the beginning of a structured approach to safety assessment of GE foods, which are yet to be approved in our country. It is understood that many changes will become necessary and will be incorporated as we progress. This document will ho...wever, remain an important milestone in the process towards safety evaluation of food derived from GE plants in India.
Detailed adapted physical activities are provided with practical guides, group sport guides and assessment tools in order to promote a more inclusive society through sports
An action research conducted in Bang Shau village Northern Shan State, Myanmar
A summary of the national drug situation
Towards a policy of inclusion
Kyiv, Ukraine 22-24 November 2010
Meeting Report
Workshop on PHC Revitalisation in Nepal, April 5-6, 2010
The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonationspecific
response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of
an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a
nuclear detonation such as scale of ...destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies,
unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose
management concepts.