On 13 August 2024, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) declared the ongoing Mpox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (PHECS). This was followed the next day by the World Health Organization (WHO), which extended the alert internationally as a public ...health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). After these declarations, many countries have made efforts to mobilize resources to introduce or expand laboratory testing, surveillance, and response activities. In particular, as the number of suspected cases surges in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, and the Central African Republic, and an increasing number of new countries report cases, there is an urgent need to implement testing to strengthen the Mpox response. However, access to appropriate quality assured diagnostics is a challenge. There is limited information on important characteristics, such as available test kits’ performance and ability to detect relevant clades.
To address the challenge of mpox access in the continent, the Africa CDC Diagnostic Advisory Committee (DAC) met in Kigali from 19-23 August 2024 to review the available evidence on molecular tests for Mpox and to shortlist tests that may be useful for Mpox testing in countries. The shortlist aims to provide guidance to Africa CDC, countries and partners on appropriate high-quality molecular tests to procure and use for the mpox response.
This status report shows how far we have come—and how much further we must go—if we hope to meet the global commitments to end AIDS in children. It offers a snapshot of global progress and permits an early assessment of the impact of the Global Alliance’s work.
De acuerdo con la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, todos los lactantes y niños tienen derecho a una buena nutrición.
The Health Financing Toolbox is designed to equip development cooperation stakeholders with essential information on the internal and external financing of nation states, with a particular emphasis on health financing. To achieve this, the Health Financing Toolbox includes a comprehensive collection... of topic-specific documents, along with numerous interactive world maps and data tables. These digital tools enable users to explore key aspects of health financing across all countries, with data categorized into both economic and medical dimensions.
Under-diagnosis of asthma in ‘under-fives’ may be alleviated by improved inquiry into disease history. We assessed a questionnaire-based screening tool for asthma among 614 ‘under-fives’ with severe respiratory illness in Uganda. The questionnaire responses were compared to post hoc consensu...s diagnoses by three pediatricians who were guided by study definitions that were based on medical history, physical examination findings, laboratory and radiological tests, and response to bronchodilators. Children with asthma or bronchiolitis were categorized as “asthma syndrome”. Using this approach, 253 (41.2%) had asthma syndrome. History of and present breathing difficulties and present cough and wheezing was the best performing combination of four questionnaire items [sensitivity 80.8% (95% CI 77.6–84.0); specificity 84.7% (95% CI 81.8–87.6)]. The screening tool for asthma syndrome in ‘under-fives’ may provide a simple, cheap and quick method of identifying children with possible asthma. The validity and reliability of this tool in primary care settings should be tested.
The epidemiology of wheeze in children, when assessed by questionnaires, is dependent on parents' understanding of the term “wheeze”.
In a questionnaire survey of a random population sample of 4,236 children aged 6–10 yrs, parents' definition of wheeze was assessed. Predictors of a correct ...definition were determined and the potential impact of incorrect answers on prevalence estimates from the survey was assessed.
Current wheeze was reported by 13.2% of children. Overall, 83.5% of parents correctly identified “whistling or squeaking” as the definition of wheeze; the proportion was higher for parents reporting wheezy children (90.4%). Frequent attacks of reported wheeze (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.0), maternal history of asthma (OR 1.5) and maternal education (OR 1.5) were significantly associated with a correct answer, while the converse was found for South Asian ethnicity (OR 0.6), first language not English (OR 0.6) and living in a deprived neighbourhood (OR 0.6).
In summary, the present study showed that misunderstanding could lead to an important bias in assessing the prevalence of wheeze, resulting in an underestimation in children from South Asian and deprived family backgrounds. Prevalence estimates for the most severe categories of wheeze might be less affected by this bias and questionnaire surveys on wheeze should incorporate measures of parents' understanding of the term wheeze.
WHO has updated the mpox Case reporting form (CRF) and data collection tool, mainly by reducing the number of variables. A detailed list of changes is presented in the file. The content of the Case investigation form (CIF) has not been changed.
En el año 2020 se registró una muerte materna cada hora en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Ese mismo año, la tendencia de la razón de mortalidad materna (RMM) en la Región de las Américas retrocedió de manera alarmante e inaudita a los niveles de hace veinte años. Estas cifras no solo imp...lican un empeoramiento en los resultados, sino una profundización de las desigualdades, lo que representa miles de tragedias individuales e inaceptables que en la mayoría de los casos serían evitables. La muerte materna es el resultado de un proceso multifactorial donde interactúan elementos estructurales como el sistema económico, las condiciones ambientales y la cultura. Además, intervienen otros factores relativos a la desigualdad social, como el racismo, la pobreza, la desigualdad de género y la falta de acceso al sistema educativo
En el año 2020 se registró una muerte materna cada hora en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Ese mismo año, la tendencia de la razón de mortalidad materna (RMM) en la Región de las Américas retrocedió de manera alarmante e inaudita a los niveles de hace veinte años. Estas cifras no solo imp...lican un empeoramiento en los resultados, sino una profundización de las desigualdades, lo que representa miles de tragedias individuales e inaceptables que en la mayoría de los casos serían evitables. La muerte materna es el resultado de un proceso multifactorial donde interactúan elementos estructurales como el sistema económico, las condiciones ambientales y la cultura. Además, intervienen otros factores relativos a la desigualdad social, como el racismo, la pobreza, la desigualdad de género y la falta de acceso al sistema educativo
Planning for public health emergencies should ensure that capabilities developed during previous emergencies are maintained, incorporated, and put into practice when a new event of public health concern arises. Investments in pandemic preparedness lead to more rapid detection and a stronger response... to public health threats, thereby shielding communities from the debilitating social and economic effects of epidemics and pandemics. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recognizes the efforts of countries in the Region of the Americas to develop and/or strengthen their respiratory pathogen pandemic plans. PAHO supports planning activities with tools and expertise, aligning these efforts with the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative. The PRET initiative is an innovative approach to improving disease pandemic preparedness. It recognizes that the same systems, capacities, knowledge, and tools can be leveraged and applied for groups of pathogens based on their mode of transmission (respiratory, vector-borne, foodborne etc.). The PRET initiative incorporates the latest tools and approaches for shared learning and collective action established during the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent public health emergencies.
The Global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) for mpox, covering the six-month period from September 2024 to February 2025, provides a framework for public health preparedness and response to the mpox emergency. The current draft, subject to Member State input, outlines the urgent actio...ns needed at global, regional, and national levels.
Qu'est-ce que le Monkeypox, comment-se transmet-il et comment se protéger ? Cet outil imagé a été élaboré avec des professionnels intervenant auprès de personnes vulnérables.
In the Region of the Americas, as of 24 February 2023 (16:00 EST), there are a total of 58,578 confirmed cases of mpox (Table 1, Figure 2) were reported from 31 countries and territories, including 76 deaths in: United States of America (34), Brazil (15), Peru (15), Mexico (4), Chile (2), Ecuador (3...), Argentina (2), and Cuba (1), reported from 31 (Table 1, Annex 1, Figure 3). In the last 4 weeks (28 January – 24 February 2023), 607 additional mpox cases were reported from 16 countries and territories, including 9 deaths in Ecuador (1) and United States (8). Eight countries in the Region account for 97% of confirmed cases: United States of America, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Canada, Chile, and Argentina – listed by total number of cases in decrease order (Figure 4). The number of new weekly reported cases in EW 7 compared to EW 6 of 2023 (% variation) decreased by 55%.
Given the circulation of the variant of clade I of mpox virus (MPXV) in the African Region, which is associated in the African Region with sustained transmission and the occurrence of cases in a wider range of age groups, including children, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organiza...tion (PAHO/WHO) encourages Member States to remain vigilant to the possibility of introduction of this variant in the Americas, and to continue their surveillance efforts, including genomic sequencing of detected cases, with special emphasis on high-risk groups.
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On 14 August 2024, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that the resurgence of Mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Te...mporary recommendations are being developed with input from the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee and will be available in the coming days.
Le Directeur général de l’OMS, le Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a estimé que la recrudescence de variole simienne (mpox) en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et dans un nombre croissant de pays d’Afrique constituait une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (USPPI) au t...itre du Règlement sanitaire international (2005) (RSI).
Providing quality, stigma-free services is essential to equitable health care for all and achieving global HIV goals and broader Sustainable Development Goals related to health. Every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Countries have a legal obliga...tion to develop and implement legislation and policies that guarantee universal access to quality health services and address the root causes of health disparities, including poverty, stigma and discrimination.
The health sector is uniquely placed to lead in addressing inequity, assuring safe personcentred care for everyone and improving social determinants of health by overcoming taboos and discriminatory or stigmatizing behaviours associated with HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Improving health care quality and reducing stigma work together to enhance health outcomes for people living with HIV. Together, they make health care services more accessible, trustworthy and supportive. This encourages early diagnosis, consistent treatment and improved mental well-being. Thus, people living with HIV are more likely to engage with and benefit from health care services, leading to improved overall health.
This report highlights the increasing public health
burden of road traffic injuries and fatalities in
the Region. Road traffic deaths are becoming a
significant problem in Africa, rising at a faster rate
than in any other region. Fatalities increased by
nearly one fifth in the decade from 2010 ...to 2021,
with almost one quarter of a million people killed
on Africa’s roads within that decade
En mai 2023, la COVID-19 n’est peut-être plus classifiée en tant qu’urgence de santé publique d’envergure internationale mais nous ne devons pas ignorer les profonds problèmes structurels qu’elle a révélé dans notre économie. La santé est
un droit humain fondamental et le temps est... venu de réorienter et de réorganiser l’économie pour atteindre l’objectif de la Santé pour tous.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on how to implement Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommendations for malaria elimination at the local level. It is a streamlined, more operational version of the Manual for Stratifying Malaria Risk and Elimination of Foci, aimed primarily ...at operational teams working in the field. The content has been prioritized and the steps of the process organized to facilitate greater understanding by local teams. Adjustments have also been made to underscore its versatility for all malaria transmission scenarios in the Region of the Americas.