Illustration de toutes les étapes à respecter pour procéder à une expédition sans risque des échantillons de sang humain provenant de cas suspects de maladie à virus Ebola: la préparation avant toute manipulation, la préparation de l'échantillon, l'emballage, l'étiquetage, et l'expéditio...n.
Description illustrée des étapes et précautions nécessaires pour prélever la salive d'un patient décédé et suspecté d'être infecté par le virus Ebola: avant d'entrer dans la chambre du patient, les équipements de protection individuelle, la réalisation d'un écouvillonnage oral, la pré...paration du tube de collecte pour le transport, enlever les équipements de protection individuelle.
El Director General de la OMS, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, ha determinado que el recrudecimiento de la viruela símica (mpox) en la República Democrática del Congo y en un número creciente de países de África constituye una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional (ESPII) c...on arreglo al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (2005) (RSI [2005]).
Orientations provisoires
1er avril 2020
Les États Membres doivent améliorer les pratiques d’hygiène des mains de manière ambitieuse afin d’aider à prévenir la transmission du virus de la COVID-19 :
1. en fournissant un accès universel à des postes publics d’hygiène des mains et ...en rendant leur utilisation obligatoire à l’entrée et à la sortie de tout bâtiment commercial public ou privé et de tout lieu de transport public ;
2. en améliorant l’accès aux installations et aux pratiques d’hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé.
Journal of Virus Eradication 2018; 4 (Supplement 2): 33–39
Journal of Virus Eradication 2016 Jul; 2(3): 156–161.
Published online 2016 Jul 1.
PMCID: PMC4967967
PMID: 27482455
Les vaccins sont conçus pour vous conférer une immunité sans les dangers d’avoir contracté la maladie. Il est courant de ressentir quelques effets indésirables légers à modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin. Ils sont dus au fait que votre système immunitaire demande à votre organisme d'a...ugmenter le flux sanguin afin que davantage de cellules immunitaires puissent circuler, et il élève votre température interne afin de tuer le virus. Les vaccins nous aident à nous protéger contre les maladies, et ressentir des effets indésirables légers ou modérés après avoir reçu un vaccin est un signe que ce vaccin et notre système immunitaire fonctionnent.
Ebola virus (EBOV) and Marburg virus (MARV) are associated with severe, potentially fatal, systemic diseases. During the development of the Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for Ebola Disease and Marburg Disease, the Guideline Development Group (GDG) identified multiple research gaps in key... areas and practices that lacked strong evidence to help in the formulation of recommendations. Because of the lack of strong evidence, there exists an array of research questions related to infection prevention and control (IPC) in the context of Ebola Disease (EBOD) and Marburg Disease (MARD). Identifying those that are priorities would help policy-makers target efforts and funding to support the most relevant studies. The objective of this research prioritization exercise was to identify the short- to medium-term (over the next two years) priority research questions for IPC in health care settings based on the gaps identified during the EBOD/MARD IPC guideline development process.
Zika virus can pass from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Zika is linked
to microcephaly, a severe birth defect that signals a problem with brain
development. If you are pregnant and living in an area with Zika, you should talk to
your doctor or other healthcare provider about Zika, even if you ...don’t feel sick.
Use this checklist to make sure you and your doctor or other healthcare provider
talk about these important questions.
Monkeypox virus is an orthopoxvirus that causes human monkeypox, a viral disease with symptoms similar to smallpox, including fever and rash. Following the worldwide eradication of smallpox in 1980, monkeypox emerged as the most significant orthopoxvirus infection in humans. Cases are most often rep...orted from rural areas of Central and West African countries, particularly in regions close to tropical rainforest where people may have contact with infected animals. Someone can become infected through direct contact with respiratory droplets of another person who has monkeypox in the home or in a health facility, or with contaminated materials such as bedding. Although these are the main modes of person-to-person transmission, monkeypox outbreaks tend to occur in small clusters of a few cases without leading to widespread community transmission. For this reason, outbreaks can be easily controlled when responded to rapidly. On several occasions, monkeypox has been reported in other regions due to importation by travelers or infected animals. This course provides a general introduction to the disease through a video and accompanying downloadable presentation that can be reviewed at your own pace. It is intended for health personnel responsible for prevention and control of monkeypox, and for the general public.
The content and scope of this course on monkeypox have been tailored for outbreaks in African countries where the disease is endemic. The course material was last updated in 2020 and may not reflect most recent WHO guidance issued for the multi-country outbreak in 2022.
El virus se transmite por el contacto directo con las gotas de la respiración que una persona infectada puede expulsar cuando tose o estornuda, o al tocar superficies contaminadas por el virus. El COVID-19 puede sobrevivir en una superficie varias horas, pero puede eliminarse con desinfectantes sen...cillos.
The COVID-19 Table-Top Exercise (TTX) is a simulation package which uses a progressive scenario together with series of scripted specific injects to enable participants to consider the potential impact of an outbreak in terms of existing plans, procedures and capacities. The aim of the TTX is to st...rengthen national levels of readiness against the virus through a series of facilitated group discussions.
Zika virus has been reported in dozens of countries around the world from 2015 onwards. WHO’s experience over 2016 has shown that Zika virus and the associated neurological complications represent a long-term public health challenge.
In a series of 5 podcasts on Zika, we bring you stories of Evid...ence in action. Episode 1: Zika epidemiology; Episode 2: Long-term management of congenital Zika virus syndrome; Episdoe 3: Ethics of Zika virus; Episode 4: Zika virus research; Episode 5: The future of outbreaks