Information note.
This information note provides a strategic overview of key implementation considerations for diagnostic integration using these devices, and is primarily intended for use by national laboratory services and TB, HIV, and hepatitis programme managers.
It may also be of to managers of maternal, newborn and child health programmes and sexual and reproductive health programmes, international and bilateral agencies, and organizations that provide financial and technical support to the relevant national health programmes.
TB policies in 29 Countries
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
Key Populations Brief
Accessed November 2017
Informe sobre poblaciones clave.
Mapping Report - Catalonia (Spain).
Discussion paper initially prepared in April 2015 to facilitate feedback, and finalized after the
June 2015 meeting of WHO’s Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for TB (STAG-TB).
Good practice guide
Supporting community action on HIV, health and rights to end AIDS
Collection of country-level good practices
Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB control
Privind implementarea proiectului „sporirea rolului pacientului și a comunității în controlul Tuberculozei în moldova” anul 2012.
Raport elaborat de Centrul pentru Politici și Analize în Sănătate.