Exposure to household air pollution (HAP) is one of the greatest environmental risks to human health worldwide. Policies to accelerate the adoption of clean cooking, heating and lighting are essential for reducing HAP and the enormous burden of disease it causes and for lowering climate-warming emis...sions and achieving other urgent societal priorities.
Improving Maternal and Child Health for Midwives and Nurses in Indonesia
GPHF Minilab manuals on basic dye and thin layer chromatographic testing. The newest version of the manual (Volume I + II) from 2008 is available in three languages: English, French, Spanish. Combining the main manual with the supplements issued each year between 2010 and 2015, label claims on drug... identity and content can now be verified for 75 active ingredients and their fixed-dose combination products using simple, rapid and affordable thin layer chromatographic tests. Please note: Only the demo versions are online available!! The complete manuals are only available after purchasing the Minilab!
Patient information on depression. Arabic version. Also available in: English, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/psychische-erkrankungen/depression
Patient information on depression. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/psychische-erkrankungen/depression
Patient information on treatment with antibiotics. English version. Also available in: Arabic, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Turkish. For other language versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/arzneimittel-und-impfungen/antibiotika
Patient information on resistance to antibiotics. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/arzneimittel-und-impfungen/resistenzen-gegen-antibiotika
Antibiotika sind wichtige Medikamente. Sie wirken bei Infektionen, die Bakterien ausgelöst haben. Bei vielen Erkrankungen helfen sie sehr gut, aber nicht bei jeder Infektion sind sie geeignet oder nötig.
In dieser Information erfahren Sie, wie Antibiotika wirken und was Sie bei der Einnahme bea...chten sollten.
Les antibiotiques sont des médicaments importants. Ils agissent en cas d'infections provoquées par des bactéries. Ils sont très efficaces pour de nombreuses maladies, mais ils ne sont pas adaptés ou nécessaires pour toutes les infections.
Dans cette information, vous apprendrez comment les ...antibiotiques agissent et à quoi vous devez faire attention lorsque vous les prenez.
Антибиотики являются важными лекарственными средствами. Они эффективны против инфекций, вызванных бактериями. Они очень хорошо помогают при многих заболеваниях, ...но они не подходят и не нужны при каждой инфекции.
В этой информации вы узнаете, как действуют антибиотики и что следует иметь в виду при их приеме.
Los antibióticos son medicamentos importantes. Son eficaces contra las infecciones causadas por bacterias. Ayudan muy bien en muchas enfermedades, pero no son adecuados o necesarios para todas las infecciones.
En esta información aprenderás cómo funcionan los antibióticos y qué debes tener ...en cuenta al tomarlos.
Patient information on asthma and COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/lunge/asthma-und-copd
Patient information on coronary heart disease. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/herz-und-gefässe/koronare-herzkrankheit-notfall
Patient information on COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/lunge/copd
Patient information on safe medical treatment. Available in: Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, German.
This is the English version. For other language versions visit: http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/arzneimittel-und-impfungen/sichere-arzneimitteltherapie
For versions in Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Turkish and German go to http://www.patienten-information.de/kurzinformationen/diabetes/diabetes-und-fuesse
Практический подход к разработке политики и стратегии в целях повышения качества медицинской помощи