Opinión y análisis / Opinion and analysis
Rev Panam Salud Publica 38(3), 2015; Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(4):375–80
UNAIDS/WHO 2015 | Reference
The essential medicines are those that meet the priority needs of the healthcare of the population. While reviewing the 5th edition of the essential Medicines, special attention focused on the health sector policy. Indeed, medicines play an important role in protecting, maintaining and restoring th...e peoples’ health and credibility of health facilities. Their availability is a fundamental aspect of primary health care as defined in different declarations including Alma-Ata of 1978.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Допомоганаркозалежнимв Україні
Довідник реабілітаційних центрів
Київ — 2014
Investigación original / Original research
Rev Panam Salud Publica 36(3), 2014
The list of emergency medicine has been developed though various consultative meeting and workshops with concerned health professionals and institutions. The medicines in the list should be administered to emergency patients only treated in the health institutions, purchased from legal medicine reta...il outlets on the basis of prescription paper and legal receipt. The stock that should be handled and hoarding of such medicine is prohibited. In addition each medicine administered to emergency patient should be registered in emergency medicine administration registration book.
This policy will serve as a cornerstone from which to address the accessibility of Family Planning services and to encourage its integration with services for HIV/AIDS, maternal health, child health, and other development initiatives. This policy is timely, as Rwanda is embarking on the introduction... of community-based provision of Family Planning through community health workers. In addition, the expansion of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs is a pillar of this policy that will help attract and retain the next generation of Family Planning users. These efforts are anticipated to trigger a paradigm change in the way Family Planning services are provided and accessed in order to contribute towards a healthy and productive Rwanda for all.