Фрамбезия относится к группе хронических бактериальных инфекций, в совокупности называемых эндемическими трепонематозами. Возбудителями этих заболеваний, к кот...рым также относятся эндемический сифилис (беджель) и пинта, являются спиралевидные бактерии рода Treponema. Фрамбезия — самая распространенная из этих трех инфекций.
Rabies is entirely preventable, and vaccines, medicines, tools and technologies have long
been available to prevent people from dying of dog-mediated rabies. Nevertheless, rabies still
kills about 60 000 people a year, of whom over 40% are children under 15, mainly in rural areas
of economically ...disadvantaged countries in Africa and Asia. Of all human cases, up to 99% are
acquired from the bite of an infected dog.
Skin and mucosal conditions are extremely common in all children and adults in particular in HIV-infected adults and children and are one of the commonest daily management problems faced by health care workers caring for patients with HIV infection
Accessed: 08.03.2020
This section provides an overview of an HIV Rapid Testing workshop. It contains information about:
- Workshop Goal
- Training Modules: Learning Objectives and Content Outline
- Learning Methods / Activities
- Recommended Certification Criteria
Section 1...: Overview, Trainer’s Guide
This document brings to attention key health and human rights considerations with regards to COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of integrating a human rights based approach in response to COVID-19. It provides key considerations in relation to addressing stigma and discrimination, preve...ntion of violence against women, support for vulnerable populations; quarantine and restrictive measures and shortages of supplies and equipment. It also highlights human rights obligations with regards to global cooperation to address COVID-19.
For COVID-19, as for many infectious diseases, the true level of transmission is frequently underestimated because a substantial proportion of people with the infection are undetected either because they are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms and thus typically fail to present at healthcare fac...ilities. There may also be neglected or under-served segments of the population who are less likely to access healthcare or testing. Under-detection of cases may be exacerbated during an epidemic, when testing capacity may be limited and restricted to people with severe cases and priority risk groups (such as frontline healthcare workers, elderly people and people with comorbidities). Cases may also be misdiagnosed and attributed to other diseases with similar clinical presentation, such as influenza.
Differences in mortality between groups of people and countries are important proxy indicators of relative risk of death that guide policy decisions regarding scarce medical resource allocation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This document is intended to help countries estimate CFR and, if possible, IFR, as appropriately and accurately as possible, while accounting for possible biases in their estimation
The microbiology laboratory database software.
WHONET is a desktop Windows application for the management and analysis of microbiology laboratory data with a particular focus on antimicrobial resistance surveillance. WHONET, available in 28 languages, supports local, national, regional, and global ...surveillance efforts in over 2,300 hospital, public health, animal health, and food laboratories in over 130 countries worldwide.
The goal of this Global Action Plan is to articulate synergistic actions that will be required to prevent HIVDR from undermining efforts to achieve global targets on health and HIV, and to provide the most effective treatment to all people living with HIV including adults, key populations, pregnant ...and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. The Global Action Plan has five strategic objectives: 1) prevention and response; 2) monitoring and surveillance; 3) research and innovation; 4) laboratory capacity; and 5) governance and enabling mechanisms.
A varíola dos macacos é uma doença infeciosa emergente causada por um vírus transmitido aos humanos por animais infetados, na sua maioria roedores. Pode ser propagado a outras pessoas, mas a transmissão de pessoa para pessoa, isoladamente, não pode facilmente sustentar um surto. A apresentaç...o clínica é semelhante à observada no passado com a varíola, mas menos grave. A varíola foi erradicada mundialmente em 1980; no entanto, a varíola dos macacos ainda ocorre esporadicamente em partes da África Central e Ocidental, perto das florestas tropicais húmidas. Normalmente, a mortalidade nos surtos da varíola dos macacos tem sido de 1 a 10%, mas com os cuidados adequados, a maioria dos doentes recupera. Este curso fornece uma introdução geral à varíola dos macacos e destina-se aos profissionais de saúde responsáveis pela prevenção e controlo da varíola dos macacos.
It is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries and managing adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection (SARI), including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic... shock. It is a hands-on practical guide to be used by health care professionals involved in clinical care management during outbreaks of influenza virus (seasonal) human infection due avian influenza virus (H5N1, H7N9), MERS-CoV, COVID-19 or other emerging respiratory viral epidemics.
This course is also available in the following languages:
français - русский - Português - Bahasa Indonesia - Tiếng Việt - Español - македонски - العربية - Tetun
During monitoring and between patients
Always read and follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer`s manual
The device must be cleaned and disinfected after each individual use and, at minimum weekly, prior to use on another patient.
Les infections associées aux soins (IAS) touchent des centaines de millions de patients dans le monde chaque année. Ces infections sont à l’origine de pathologies graves, de prolongements de la durée du séjour en établissement de soins, d’invalidités à long terme, de coûts personnels im...portants pour les patients et leurs familles, de charges financières supplémentaires élevées pour les systèmes de santé, et pire encore, de la perte tragique de la vie.
الكوليرا هي عدوى إسهالية حادة تنتج عن تناول طعام أو ماء ملوث. توفر هذه الدورة مقدمة عامة عن الكوليرا وتستهدف الأفراد المسئولين عن الاستجابة لفاشيات المرض في حالات ا...طوارئ المعقدة أو في البيئات التي تعرضت فيها البنية التحتية البيئية الأساسية للتلف أو الدمار.
Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water
Психические расстройства имеют общие черты с другими неинфекционными заболеваниями, в том числе многие основные причины и общие последствия, высокую степень взаи...мозависимости и склонность развиваться одновременно, а также то, что их наиболее эффективное лечению связано с использованием интегрированных подходов. Схемы более интегрированного планирования и программирования включают: вмешательства популяционного уровня, направленные на повышение осведомленности о факторах риска НИЗ и психических расстройств и их снижение (посредством изменения законодательства, регулирования и повышения информированости); внедрение программ, осуществляемых в школах, на рабочих местах и в сообществах в целях укрепления психического и физического благополучия; предоставление более индивидуальных услуг здравоохранения, и предоставление более координированной помощи людям с (часто коморбидными) психическими и соматическими заболеваниями.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia
إن داء شاغاس المعروف أيضا باسم داء المثقبيات الأمريكي، مرض قد يكون مهدداً للحياة يسببه الطفيلي الأوّالي المعروف باسم المِثْقَبِيَّة الكروزيَّة.
This series of supportive tools are based on the WHO Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline. They are intended to provide supportive information for healthcare workers who are prescribing, administering and monitoring patients receiving nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for non-severe COVID-19.