As part of a UNICEF series highlighting the challenges faced by children in current crisis situations, this Child Alert examines the situation of children affected by violent conflict in Kasai region, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The alert outlines what UNICEF a...nd its partners have achieved to date in providing humanitarian assistance to children in Kasai affected by malnutrition and lack of access to health care, safe water and education. It calls upon all parties to the conflict – and the international community – to take urgent action protecting the lives and futures of children at risk, before it is too late.
Traditionally, understanding of the psychiatric and psychological effects of trauma have been developed from studies with adults and then applied to trauma-exposed children with some modifications. While this is an important step to understanding the sequelae of trauma in children and adolescents, t...he adverse developmental effects of traumatic exposures on the rapidly evolving neurological, physical, social and psychological capacities of children calls for a developmentally sensitive framework for understanding, assessing and treating trauma-exposed children.
ournal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2013: 1-14
Пандемия COVID-19 вызвала кризис системы здравоохранения и социальноэкономический кризис глобального масштаба. В связи с ограничениями на
поездки и передвижение гр...жданское общество и гуманитарные организации
играют важнейшую роль в оказании поддержки правительствам при
проведении ими ответных мероприятий. Все люди должны быть защищены от
сексуальной эксплуатации и сексуальных надругательств при получении
гуманитарной помощи, включающей медицинское обслуживание и лечение, а
также от жестокого обращения и эксплуатации. Если сексуальная
эксплуатация или сексуальные надругательства имеют место, люди должны
иметь доступ к безопасным и конфиденциальным услугам и каналам
информирования. Guidance on COVID-19 - Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Фонд ООН в области народонаселения (ЮНФПА) стремится достичь трех изменяющих мир
результатов к 2030 году - крайнему сроку достижения Целей в Области Устойчивого
Раз...вития. Эти цели таковы: положить конец неудовлетворенной потребности в планировании
семьи, искоренить гендерное насилие, включая такие вредные практики, как калечащие
операции на женских половых органах и детские браки, а также устранить все случаи
предотвратимой материнской смертности. Этот анализ показывает, как пандемия COVID-19
может серьезно подорвать прогресс в достижении этих целей.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Planning and Ending Gender-based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage
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Conflict and Health, vol. 9 Supplment 1. Free download of all articles at: http://www.conflictandhealth.com/supplements/9/S1
The IAWG has undertaken an updated review to identify services, quantify progress, document gaps and determine future directions for programs, advocacy and funding prioriti...es. The 2014 review clearly highlights that humanitarian and development actors must identify and develop effective strategies to meaningfully engage affected communities to icrease use of reproductive health services, meet their reproductive health needs, and augment participation in the programs that affect their lives
Globally, 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2023. 60 per cent of these homicides—51,000—were committed by an intimate partner or other family member. 140 women and girls die every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative, which means one woman or girl is killed eve...ry 10 minutes.
To provide information on trends on official development assistance (ODA) disbursement patterns for
reproductive health activities in 18 conflict-affected countries
Chapter 29: Refugees and Displaced Women:
Flight and Arrival,
Basic Needs,
Reproductive Health,
Mental Health,
Women as Leaders