Training for Health Care Providers
Facilitators’ Manual
Thir brochure provides information and advices about the german health system (health insurance, treatment, counseling, offers for sanspapiers) and sexual health (prevention of sexual transmitted diseases including HIV, counseling, treatment, contraception). Attached are adresses from different orga...nizations for more information.
Diese Broschüre bietet Informationen und Tipps zu den Themen Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland (Krankenversicherung, Behandlung, Beratung, Angebote für Menschen ohne Papiere) und sexülle Gesundheit (Schutz vor sexüll übertragbaren Krankheiten einschließlich HIV, Untersuchung, Behandlung, Schwangerschaftsverhütung). - Im Anhang: Adressen von Organisationen für weitere Informationen und Beratung.
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.
Recommandations pour une Approche de Santé publique.
Juin 2013.
This guide has been written to provide information and practical advice on developing and delivering local plans an strategies to commission the most effective and efficient older people’s mental health services.Based upon clinical best practice guidance and drawing upon the range of available evi...dence, it describes what should be expected of an older people’s mental health service in terms of effectiveness, outcomes and value for money.
Prévalence du VIH au Bénin : résultats de l’EDSB-IV 2011-2012
December 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 12 | e82027
Prepared by the monitoring and learning unit