Strengthening health-system emergency preparedness.
Автоматизированная технология амплификации нуклеиновых кислот в режиме реального времени для быстрого и одновременного выявления туберкулеза и устойчивости к р...ифампицину: система Xpert MTB/RIF.
Программное заявление.
This document should be used in conjunction with the WHO checklist for influenza preparedness planning published by the World Health Organization in 2005. Available in English; Chinese; French
WHO/HTM/HIV/2007.01 WHO/HTM/TB/2007.380
This report assesses the impact of the conflict in Ukraine and its implications for organized crime and security-related issues for neighbouring countries, with a focus on Moldova.
These include:
Organized crime and illicit trafficking (including trafficking in persons, drugs, arms, illicit toba...cco, and other goods); Cybercrimes and fraud; Disinformation and propaganda; and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) threats.
National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Conrol Programme
Towards Attaining the Highest Standard of Mental Health