Lymphatic filariasis: managing morbidity and preventing disability: an aide-mémoire for national programme managers, second edition: web annex A: protocol for evaluating minimum package of care of morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphoedema management in designated health facilit...ies.
This manual summarizes key issues related to the safety of NTD medicines and their administration, with a focus on essential medicines used in mass drug administration (MDA), also called preventive chemotherapy. It can be used as a standalone reference manual, but is intended to be used in conjuncti...on with the accompanying training modules, which provide practical instruction, and the aide-mémoires. Versions of the aide-mémoires and training modules are available respectively for both (i) programme managers and district-level health officials and (ii) community drug distributors and community health workers
The document focuses on educating children and communities about diarrhoea prevention and management through creative and interactive approaches. It highlights the importance of hygiene practices, oral rehydration solutions (ORS), zinc supplements, and proper nutrition to combat diarrhoea. Developed... with the support of Save the Children, the material is designed for use in schools, homes, and community groups, encouraging children to act as messengers of health education to promote lifelong healthy habits.
As escolas realizam diariamente inúmeras atividades que ajudam a promover a saúde e o bem-estar dos alunos, famílias e comunidades. Existem evidências claras dos benefícios da abordagem das escolas promotoras da saúde (EPS), que visam melhorar os resultados globais de saúde da comunidade educ...ativa (física, mental e social) e obter melhores resultados de aprendizagem. O termo escola promotora da saúde é aqui utilizado para se referir a instituições de todos os níveis de ensino (pré-escolar, primário e secundário) que adoptam uma abordagem abrangente para promover a saúde e o desempenho escolar nas suas comunidades, utilizando o potencial organizacional das escolas para promover o bem-estar físico, socioemocional e psicológico, o que contribuirá para uma melhor saúde e resultados educacionais positivos. Espera-se que este guia contribua tanto para o pessoal dos estabelecimentos de ensino como para o pessoal de saúde e outro pessoal das escolas, reforçando a sua motivação, reconhecendo cada uma das componentes da iniciativa e promovendo a sua aplicação, adaptada e recriada de acordo com as características do respectivo contextos. O guia apresenta as bases conceptuais e operacionais da iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde, incentivando a motivação das equipas que coordenam a sua implementação e fornece ferramentas conceptuais e metodológicas que permitem promover a iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde de forma crítica e contextualizada. Este guia será útil para todo o pessoal que trabalha em instituições de ensino nos níveis inicial, primário e secundário, incluindo pessoal de gestão, ensino, psicologia escolar e pessoal auxiliar e administrativo. Atenderá também profissionais de diversos setores (educação, saúde e desenvolvimento social) cujas atividades estão ligadas à saúde e ao bem-estar em instituições de ensino nos três níveis
Every day, schools engage in numerous activities that help promote the health and well-being of students, families, and communities. There is clear evidence of the benefits of the health-promoting schools (HPS) approach, not only for improving overall health outcomes (physical, mental, and social) i...n the educational community but also for achieving better learning outcomes. The closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted these benefits, as well as the close links between health, wellness, and education.
Meeting the rehabilitation needs of people affected by leprosy and promoting quality of life.
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
This toolkit is designed as a resource for CBM that can be used in a variety of ways: to support staff induction, team meetings, refresher days and training workshops. It can also be used as a tool for personal reflection and self-study. Tips for those intending to use it as a training resource are ...shaded differently.
Globally, there is increased advocacy for community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes. Like other low and middle-income countries (LMICs), Tanzania officially established the Community Health Fund (CHF) in 2001 for rural areas; and Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA) for urban population since 2009. This study... investigated the implementation of TIKA scheme in urban districts of Tanzania.
La guía de aprendizaje 4 está destinada a todos los agentes de salud que van a ayudar a las personas con afectación neural a desarrollar unos hábitos de vida para cuidar sus ojos, manos y pies.
Despite the significant role of vector control in national leishmaniasis control programmes, the programmatic community perceives vector control as the weakest component of leishmaniasis control strategies in terms of resources, scientific evidence of the usefulness of interventions and capacity for... quality-assured implementation. Therefore, the main objective of this manual is to provide practical tools, techniques and procedures to strengthen sand fly control and surveillance in order to improve implementation of leishmaniasis control programmes. The manual provides a rationale for programme managers in different geographical regions on the types of vector control interventions to be used in different epidemiological and environmental settings and also how to measure their impact.
Vaccines contribute to the battle against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by preventing infections and thereby reducing antimicrobial use and the incidence of disease from resistant pathogens. By preventing infection transmission, vaccines extend population protection by also reducing the risk of inf...ection among the unvaccinated (herd immunity). A first comprehensive study found that
An interregional meeting on leishmaniasis among neighbouring endemic
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, African and European regions was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean in Amman, Jordan, from 23 to 25 September 2018. The meeting attended by representatives from the health ministries of Albania, Georgia, Greece, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. Representatives from Afghanistan, Algeria and Libya were unable to attend. The Secretariat comprised staff from WHO headquarters, WHO regional offices in the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe, WHO country offices in Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, and WHO temporary advisors from Spain and Tunisia.
El desarrollo, desde 1991, de las Iniciativas Subregionales de Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas, y los avances de conocimiento en materia de diagnóstico y manejo de la infección/enfermedad de Chagas, llevan a la necesidad ética, y operativamente imperiosa, de estructurar el diagnóstico, atenci...ón y tratamiento de esta afección.
Una situación particularmente delicada, preocupante y alarmante, se constituye por la escasa einequitativa disponibilidad de los limitados recursos terapéuticos, actualmente disponibles, para el tratamiento etiológico de Chagas, en la mayor parte de los países endémicos de América.
En esta situación, se propone el desarrollo de la Consulta técnica regional OPS/MSF sobre organización y estructura de la atención médica del enfermo e infectado por Trypanosoma cruzi (enfermedad de Chagas), con los objetivos de:
- definir el alcance y estructura de la atención médica al paciente, tanto en diagnóstico, manejo como tratamiento;
- desarrollar modelos alternativos y optativos de atención, asimilables a las estructurassanitarias de los países;
- delinear la atención del chagásico, según su momento biológico-patológico evolutivo,dentro de los niveles de complejidad de la atención médica;
- establecer consideraciones sobre la atención pediátrica, materno-infantil, transfusional y mayor complejidad;
- definir las necesidades y alcances del diagnóstico de la enfermedad;
- establecer los alcances y facilidades que, dentro de los sistemas de atención, deben poseer estos pacientes;
- definir el panorama total de disponibilidad y accesibilidad de los pacientes al tratamiento etiológico de esta dolencia;
- proyectar conceptos y concepciones marco sobre el costo, impacto y efectividad del
desarrollo de este componente de morbilidad y atención en enfermedad de Chagas; y
- establecer las necesidades de investigación operativa y de gestión para avanzar en el
desarrollo de la atención médica a este grupo de pacientes.
Esta consulta, desarrollada en la ciudad de Montevideo, el 13 y 14 de octubre de 2005, pretende marcar la elaboración de una guía conceptual para comentarla y diseminarla en el año 2006, desde las cinco Iniciativas Intergubernamentales Subregionales de Control de Enfermedad de Chagas.
This document focuses on making recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease, an infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan agent of a systemic parasitic disease. Methodology: These clinical practice guidelines were prepared following the WHO handbook for guideline dev...elopment (5). A multidisciplinary development group was formed, comprised of thematic experts, epidemiologists, methodologists, and users. Since there were no existing guidelines that could be adapted, the guidelines were developed from scratch.
To support its R&D activities on Chagas disease, DNDi launched the Chagas Clinical Research Platform (CCRP). The platform brings together partners, experts, and stakeholders to provide support for evaluation and development of new treatments for Chagas disease. The patient-centred platform aims to f...acilitate clinical research, provide a forum for technical discussions, develop a critical mass of expertise, and strengthen institutional research capacities. In addition, it identifies and reviews priority needs, works towards standardization of methodology to assess drug efficacy and reviews alternatives for using current approved drugs (new schemes, doses, combination) and special scenarios (resistance).
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the global community of countries, partners, donors, technical experts, scientists and field implementation teams continue to work towards the ultimate goal of a world free of the burden of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).
Trois années se sont écoulées depuis le lancement de la feuille
de route pour les maladies tropicales négligées 2021-2030. Les
données sur les progrès commencent à fournir des indication