Ce document présente un résumé des mesures de lutte contre l’infection et de prévention qui est destiné à toute personne prodiguant directement ou indirectement des soins à des cas suspects ou confirmés de maladie à virus Ebola dans des établissements de santé
The messages should be used to inform, educate and engage different audience groups depending on their level of risk, vulnerability, presence in contact areas, care of patients with Ebola, or engagement or attendance of burials.
Documentation of Best Practices and Bottlenecks to Program Implementation in Senegal
Accessed at March 2014
Presentation is current through November 21, 2014 and will be updated every Friday by 5pm. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.cdc.gov/ebola.
*Presentation contains materials from CDC, MSF, and WHO
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S5 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/S1/S5
This interim guidance is aimed at assisting organizers of international meetings attended by individuals from EVD-affected countries and individuals with a travel history to EVD-affected countries within the previous 3 weeks.
The first part is intended for organizers of international meetings, to ...safely plan and conduct these events. The second part is addressed to public health authorities directly involved in supporting such international meetings.
These Guidelines comprise a General Guidelines document that provides the basic parameters of DG ECHO humanitarian health assistance, complemented by specific Technical Guidance in annex.
Getting to Zero
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
Evaluation report
September 2014
Aktuelle Themen und perspektiven für eine gesundheitsfördernde stadtentwicklungWeltweit nimmt die Urbanisierung zu: Inzwischen lebt mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung in Städten, in Europa sind es deutlich mehr als 70% der Bevölkerung (WHO, 2010a). Aufgrund die...ser Entwicklung hat sich »Urban Health« als neues Forschungsfeld etabliert, in dem der Einfluss der städtischen Umwelt auf die Gesundheit unter-sucht wird (Vlahov & Galea, 2003; Galea & Vlahov, 2005a; Heaton et al., 2010; Braür & Hystad, 2014).
The results of in-country database and reports analysis