Informations destinées aux migrants
CBM está comprometida con el principio de que las personas con discapacidad deben poder participar plenamente en la sociedad en igualdad de condiciones. Nuestro planteamiento se basa en los principios de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD) y ...en la responsabilidad de CBM de fomentar la accesibilidad y los principios del diseño universal en todos los ámbitos de su trabajo, incluyendo las comunicaciones y el contenido digital de CBM. La fnalidad de este set de herramientas es compartir una selección de herramientas y recomendaciones correspondientes a la accesibilidad de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Basándose en estándares internacionales y en el análisis de las tecnologías disponibles, estas herramientas y recomendaciones tienen como objetivo contribuir a la inclusión social y económica de las personas con discapacidad garantizando que la información sea equitativamente accesible.
Preventing Impairment & Disability
The pamphlet "Alcohol and Depressants" explains the effects of depressants, including alcohol. Depressants slow brain activity by increasing the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA, leading to effects such as sedation, decreased anxiety, and reduced heart rate. Alcohol, a legal depress...ant, causes short-term effects like impaired judgment, vomiting, and blackouts, while long-term use can result in alcoholism, liver disease, strokes, and cancer. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening, causing seizures and heart complications. The pamphlet emphasizes the importance of safe usage and provides resources for treatment and further information.
Let’s take feelings one step further. Feelings stem from experience. “Tracing feelings back” means
tracing an uncomfortable feeling back to the source: an argument, a disappointment, a change,
an event or situation. Doing this allows you keep you feelings in check, helps you learn about your...
triggers and lets you discover unhealthy behavioral patterns you may be in a cycle of repeating.
A smartphone app, the Humanitarian Hands-on Tool (HHoT), provides step-by-step practical guidance on how to implement a disability inclusive emergency response.
Developed and launched by CBM in 2017, the HHoT is free, easy to use, fully accessible and is the first application of its kind.
HHoT pr...ovides step-by-step guidance on how to adapt and improve emergency response by simple one-page guidance on how-to make humanitarian action inclusive and accessible to all people with disabilities. For the first time ever, the Tool also integrates Mental Health and Psychosocial Support throughout in a smartphone app targeted towards humanitarian aid.
Results from a High Frequency Cell Phone Survey November 19, 2014
Ebola has substantially impacted all sectors of employment in the Liberian economy, in both affected and non-affected counties, according to the most recent round of mobile phone surveys conducted by the World Bank Group in partnersh...ip with the Liberian Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services and the Gallup Organization. In all, nearly half of those working in Liberia when the Ebola outbreak began are no longer working as of early November 2014
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Clinical Practice Guidelines
January 1010
Accessed on 13.05.2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has become Chile’s most consequential public health challenge in a century. Chile’s measures included guidance regarding, among other items, education, health (sick leaves, diagnoses, hospital capacity, partial and spatially targeted lockdowns), events, border controls, supply and transportation. Since then, the evolution of the disease in the country has been similar to that of other countries around the world, with periods when cases increased followed by periods when cases declined, yet without ever declining to a point when one would assume the emergency was over.
Feelings just are. They are neither good nor bad. Emotions are a natural reaction to a situation, a
person, an environment. We cannot not have feelings. The word “bad” when referring to feelings is
a inaccurate description because there is no such thing as a bad feeling. Difficult feelings do ...exist,
yes, and some people feel them more deeply than others but that does not make them bad.
Weltweit arbeiten Forscherinnen und Forscher an einer Impfung gegen das Coronavirus – schon bald könnte ein Impfstoff verfügbar sein. Die Bundesregierung unterstützt diese Forschung. Alles Wissenswerte in 60 Sekunden.
An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals