Clinical Guidelines for Therapy Management of Benigne Prostate Hyperplasia in Indonesia 2015
What you need to know about cancer and how to prevent it.
Guidelines for Urinary Tract Stones
Guidelines for the Management of Urine Incontinence in Adults
WHO has developed standardized health kits of medicines and medical supplies to meet different health needs in humanitarian emergencies and disasters.
These kits are developed to provide reliable and affordable medicines and supplies quickly to those in need. The kits are used by United Nations age...ncies, nongovernmental organizations and national governments.
Based primarily on WHO’s Essential Medicines list and guidelines on treatment of specific medical conditions, the contents of the kits are frequently reviewed and updated to adapt to changing needs based on experience in emergency situations.
A certain number of kits are prepositioned in strategic locations to be mobilized quickly in times of need. Long term agreements with suppliers are also in place to ensure rapid shipment wherever needed.
This document outlines why and how nurses and midwives are important, not only for individual health optimization but also to achieve the thematic priorities of For the Future. More specifically, it provides case studies to showcase the amazing work that nurses and midwives across the Region are to improve health. The document also provides future policy directions to strengthen the scope and leadership of the nursing and midwifery workforce, alongside actions to accelerate investment in their education, skills and employment.
Mohamed et al. BMC Public Health 2018, 18(Suppl 3):1215
The policy brief focuses on four key areas for intervention - air pollution, energy, transport and food systems. Air pollution causes 7 million deaths annually, and is a leading cause of both NCDs and climate change, thus all interventions to reduce air pollution have a positive impact on both human... and planetary health. In the energy sector, transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is if vital importance to improving health, with mortality rates due to coal-generated electricity 1,000 times higher than for wind-generated electricity.
Promoting active transport such as walking and cycling in place of motorised transport has the dual benefit of reducing both air pollution and physical activity. Livestock production alone accounts for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, with added emissions from food which are highly process and transported over long distances, and thus locally sourced plant based diets both prevent NCDs and promote human and planetary health.
Deuxième d’une série consacrée à la prévention de la thrombose associée au cancer (Cancer-Associated Thrombosis, ou CAT en anglais), le présent article a pour but d’améliorer l’enseignement aux patients et leur état de santé. Le premier article, intitulé « Importance de la thromboe...mbolie veineuse liée au cancer », expliquait la pathologie ainsi que les lacunes cernées dans les connaissances des patients atteints de cancer (Sardo, Bayadinova, Jenkins et Penton, 2021). Il mettait en lumière le fait que ces patients reçoivent très peu d’information sur le risque de thromboembolie veineuse (TEV). Les stratégies proposées dans le présent article visent à sensibiliser les patients atteints de cancer à la TEV, à fournir des outils d’enseignement aux patients et, en fin de compte, à réduire le fardeau de la thrombose associée au cancer.
Guidelines for Diagnosis & Management of Asthma in Indonesia