While “sustainability” has become a central aspect of social action and responsibility around the world, its complex and multi-di-
mensional nature requires further explanation.
Key Populations Brief
Accessed November 2017
Conflict, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic effects of the Ukraine crisis are interacting to create new and worsen existing hunger hotspots, reversing the gains families had made to escape poverty.
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.2
2014 Edition
Accelerating HIV prevention to reduce new infections by 75%
MAMI refers to the management of small and nutritionally at risk infants under six months of age (infants u6m) and their mothers.
More than 8 million children have access to distance learning thanks to partnerships with 322 radio stations and 23 TV channels
1.2 million community masks distributed
25 million people reached with key messages on how to prevent COVID-19 through mass media channels (300 radio stations and... 50 TV channels)
64,283 calls managed by the COVID-19 Hotline
71,532 people (including 21,415 children) affected by COVID-19 and 6,005 frontline workers provided with psychosocial support since the beginning of the epidemic
Wie die Corona-Pandemie soziale Ungleichheit verschärft und warum wir unsere Wirtschaft gerechter gestalten müssen
Mise en oeuvre de l’alerte précoce et réponse notamment la surveillance fondée sur les évènements
O Subsídio de Primeira Infância (SPI) é uma transferência monetária incondicional, dirigida a crianças até aos 2 anos de idade que vivam em agregados familiares pobres ou vulneráveis, com o objectivo de promover a redução da desnutrição crónica e de melhorar o acesso das crianças aos s...erviços de saúde, acção social e de registo civil.