Website last accessed on 20.03.2024: The Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) is an interactive web-based platform presenting global cancer statistics to inform cancer control and research.
Website last accessed on 20.03.2024
The IARC Learning portal provides a single access point to a wide variety of learning and training resources, organized into different learning platforms that are developed and maintained in collaboration with IARC research groups and key collaborators.
The t...ypes of resources available on each thematic platform vary and may include: self-paced modules, facilitated modules, lectures and webinars, manuals and guidelines, materials for trainers, tutorials, exercises, questions and answers, tip sheets and visual charts, and more.
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This course introduces Marburg Virus Disease and outlines the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, transmission routes and epidemiology of the disease. It also discusses prevention and control strategies.
On 27 September 2024, the Rwanda Ministry of Health announced the confirmation of Marburg virus disease (MVD). Blood samples taken from people showing symptoms were tested by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at the National Reference Laboratory of the Rwanda Center and were positive for Marburg virus. As of 29 September 2024, a total of 26 confirmed cases, including eight deaths have been reported. The cases are reported from seven of the 30 districts in the country. Among the confirmed cases, over 70% are healthcare workers from two health facilities in Kigali.
On 27 September 2024, the Ministry of Health of Rwanda confirmed the country’s first outbreak of Marburg virus disease (MVD), with health-care workers in Kigali particularly affected. While sporadic outbreaks have occurred in various parts of Africa since the first recognized cases in 1967, this o...utbreak is the third largest outbreak of MVD ever recorded to date. Marburg virus disease is a severe disease clinically similar to Ebola disease. With no approved treatments or vaccines for MVD, early intervention for those showing symptoms is crucial for improving survival rates.
Du 09 janvier au 08 avril 2024, le Congo a confirmé 19 cas de Mpox dans 04 départements, à savoir : 14 cas dans la Cuvette, 02 cas dans la Likouala, 02 cas dans les Plateaux et 01 cas à Pointe-Noire. Au regard de cette situation, le Gouvernement de la République, via le Ministère de la Santé de la Population, a déclaré, en date du 23 avril 2024, l’épidémie de Mpox conduisant à l’activation du COUSP1 en date du 03 mai 2024 avec la mise en place du Système de Gestion d’Incident (SGI) assorti de toutes ses fonctions essentielles et élargies sous l’approche « Une Seule Santé ». A la 39ème semaine épidémiologique, 1 nouveau cas a été confirmé par le LNSP2 dans le département de Brazzaville, DS de Madibou, dans l’aire de santé de Mansimou, donnant un total de 22 cas confirmés.
Uganda confirmed the first cases of mpox on 24 July 2024 following the confirmation of two case-patients from Kasese District, Bwera Hospital by the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) through a routine sentinel surveillance system. Cumulatively, 80 confirmed cases of mpox have been registered.
Control of pollution from antibiotic manufacturing is a key part of safeguarding the longevity of antibiotics for all. Pollution contributes to antibiotic resistance and potentially undermines the effectiveness of medicines. High levels of antibiotics in water bodies downstream of manufacturing site...s have been widely documented. Currently, antibiotic pollution from manufacturing is largely unregulated and quality assurance criteria typically do not address environmental emissions.
In 2007, the Sixtieth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA60.13 on control of leishmaniasis, urging Member States, among other actions: to strengthen prevention, active detection and treatment of cases of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in order to decrease the disease burden; and strengthen the capacity of peripheral health centres to deliver primary and secondary care, so that they provide appropriate affordable diagnosis and treatment and act as sentinel surveillance sites.
Las enfermedades diarreicas son la tercera causa de muerte en niños menores de 5 años: cada año mueren 443 832. La diarrea puede durar varios días y dejar el cuerpo sin el agua y las sales que necesita para vivir. En el pasado, la deshidratación grave y la pérdida de líquidos eran, en la mayo...ría de casos, las principales causas de muerte por diarrea
De acuerdo con la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, todos los lactantes y niños tienen derecho a una buena nutrición.
WHO has updated the mpox Case reporting form (CRF) and data collection tool, mainly by reducing the number of variables. A detailed list of changes is presented in the file. The content of the Case investigation form (CIF) has not been changed.
La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) mise sur la surveillance communautaire pour mieux riposter à la variole simienne appelée en anglais Mpox. En 2023, plus de 14 000 cas de Mpox ont été détectés. Le pays, avec l’appui de ses partenaires, forme les relais communautaires pour la sensib...ilisation de la population sur l’importance de se rendre rapidement à l’hôpital dès les premiers symptômes.