Theodor Bilharz, a German professor of anatomy and chief of surgery at the Kasr El Ani Hospital of Cairo from 1850, first identified an infective organism, Distomum hematobium in 1851, which was renamed Schistosoma haematobium in 1858. It arose from a cestode worm, Hymenoleptis nana, lying in the sm...all colon of an Egyptian patient. He also discovered a trematode worm at the same time from an autopsy, thought to be the cause of urinary Schistosomiasis. Bilharz died from typhoid fever in 1862 at the age of 37. The Theodor Bilharz Research Institute in Giza, Egypt, stands as a tribute to him today. F. Milton published the first recorded peer-reviewed article report on Schistosomiasis in 1914.
Milestones in the treatment, care and support, Dec 2021
A printable copy of the article published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) can be found on the CDC Homepage. Follow the Download Link for redirection to CDC.
Mapping Report - Portugal
On Zero Discrimination Day and as part of the global movement for equality for women and girls, UNAIDS is highlighting seven areas where discrimination against women and girls persists, raising awareness and calling for change.
This guideline consists of two main parts:
i.) Guidelines for Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies on how to start up and engage with other stakeholders in country in rolling out disaster risk reduction (DRR) education and awareness activities for children - not only in school, but also... in the community;
ii.) Games and activities to engage children with key lessons and messages to carry away. With a focus on Southeast Asia, cases from Viet Nam and Indonesia are highlighted.
The U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Operational Guidelines and Field Manual on Human Rights Protection in Situations of Natural Disaster
The Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit Conclusions