The report discusses the epidemiological and social aspects of ageing, health and functional changes experienced with ageing, the impact of physical activity, assessment of the nutritional status of older persons, and nutritional guidelines for healthy ageing.
Ces directives sont destinées à ceux qui sont responsables de l'élaboration des politiques et de la supervision des pratiques professionnelles des infirmières, des sages-femmes et d'autres prestataires de la santé. Elles veulent également promouvoir le combat contre la "médicalisation" de ces... pratiques et apporter un soutien aux infirmiers, sages-femmes et tout autre personnels de santé afin qu'ils observent les directives de l'OMS préconisant de ne pas suturer une infibulation ouverte.
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Romanian language. - Summary: Aceasta carte se adreseaza in primul rând studentilor la medicina. Ea ofera un ghid în procesul de prescriere rationala a medicamentelor, împreuna cu numeroase exemple ilustrative. Cartea îl ajuta pe cititor sa... dobândeasca abilitati pentru prescrierea medicamentelor. Absolventii sau rezidentii, ca si medicii practicieni pot gasi în aceasta lucrare o sursa de idei noi si, poate, un stimulent pentru schimbare.
Guidelines for Implementation and Monitoring. WHO Regional Publications, Eastern Mediterranean Series 21
WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.2 Plague Manual
Epidemiology, Distribution, Surveillance and Control
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Bengali language.
Information on 102 commonly used medicinal plants in the South Pacific WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; Plants from this part of the world represent an especially diverse flora and include several species currently undergoing scientific investigation. Common traditional uses the treatment of minor injuries, childhood ailments, and complications of pregnancy. Plants described in the book are also used as emetics and as ointments and dressings applied to surface wounds or used to treat skin problems.
Addressed to ethnobotanists, phytochemists, and pharmacologists, the book aims to document traditional clinical uses and bring these to the attention of the international scientific community, while also preserving knowledge about the distinctive indigenous practices in these island communities. Full-colour photographs are included to facilitate identification of plants and plant parts used for medicinal purposes. Each plant is described according to a common format, which includes information on scientific name, local names, English name, a description of the plant and its habitat and distribution, and a summary of what is known about its chemical constituents, biological activity, and traditional uses.
WHO Regional Publications, Western Pacific Series No. 23
Reports the findings and recommendations of a working group convened to prepare guidelines for the use of herbal medicines in Western Pacific countries. Addressed to national health authorities, the report responds to the widespread use o...f herbal medicine in this part of the world and the corresponding need for mechanisms to ensure that these products are safe and effective, yet remain broadly accessible. With this need in mind, the report sets out a comprehensive framework for developing national policies designed to control the safety, efficacy, and quality of herbal medicines, manufacturing practices, product registration, and labelling, marketing, and trade.
A practical manual to good prescription of medicines in Russian language
a selection of 150 commonly used species 2nd. ed.
This manual is intended for mid-level rehabilitation workers on work with children with communication difficulties and their families. The manual contains information on general aspects of communication, causes of communication impairment, sample assessments, and advice for parents and those involve...d in the training of health and education workers. You can download section by section from the website
A guide for strengthening the basic nursing curriculum
A practical manual - The book provides step by step guidance
to the process of rational prescribing, together with many illustrative examples. It teaches skills that are necessary throughout a clinical career.
Una guía práctica para la prescripción de medicamentos - Muestra cómo la prescripción de un medicamento es un proceso que implica muchas consideraciones, qué principios rigen la elección de un medicamento y cómo construir gradualmente una lista de medicamentos preferidos, productos con los q...ue uno se ha familiarizado plenamente para su uso en la práctica diaria. Se dan ejemplos de cómo seleccionar y prescribir medicamentos, garantizar su cumplimiento y comunicarse eficazmente con los pacientes. Por último, se examinan las distintas fuentes de información farmacéutica, describiendo sus cualidades y deficiencias.
This guide is designed to support mid-level rehabilitation workers on work with children with cerebral palsy and their families. The manual includes information on early detection and assessment of the level of development of the child, equipment to support their needs and suggestions to promote mob...ility and improved communication. You can download this guide in Arabic and Italian, too