Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
La présente analyse du projet HPP a pour objectifs spécifiques de documenter (1) les sources d’approvisionnement existantes des contraceptifs ; (2) l’implication des agents par catégorie dans la proposition de médicaments et de contraceptifs ; (3) les politiques et les directives actuelles d...u gouvernement concernant la distribution des contraceptifs et (4) les suggestions des participants pour améliorer le partage des tâches des services de planification familiale à base communautaire et les produits de PF.
Information Booklet for Parents
Sixth Meeting of the mhGAP Forum Hosted by WHO in Geneva on 4-5 September 2014 Summary Report
The preparedness strengthening team deployed to Ghana focused on specific objectives in order to assist the country in becoming as operationally prepared as possible to detect, investigate and report potential EVD cases effectively and safely and to mount an effective response to prevent a larger o...utbreak. To accomplish this goal, the team conducted “scoping” activities, stakeholder meetings, site visits and a “table-top” simulation exercise to determine what systems were in place and what aspects of preparedness could be strengthened.
It is organized in 10 components of the WHO consolidated checklist for EVD preparedness: 1) planning and coordination; 2) epidemiological and laboratory surveillance; 3) rapid response teams; 4) contact tracing; 5) points of entry; 6) laboratory; 7) case management; 8) infection prevention and control; 9) social mobilization and risk communication; 10) budget.
A handbook for district and health facility staff
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volume 91, Number 4, April 2013, 237-312
Training Module on Malaria
These guidelines provide specific recommendations and expert suggestions — for national policy-makers and programme managers and their partners and stakeholders— on prioritizing, planning and providing HIV testing, counselling, treatment and care services for adolescents
A handbook for district and health facility staff