In: Beyond construction : use by all : a collection of case studies from sanitation and hygiene promotion practitioners in South Asia. Chapter 2
Review over the work and challenges of the Nigerian National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in combatting counterfeiting of medicines in Nigeria.
2nd edition - Published in 2003, the first WHO/HAI medicine prices manual Medicine Prices – A
New Approach to Measurement Draft for field-testing provides a draft methodology and tools to conduct national medicine prices and availability surveys. This second edition of the survey manual has been... updated to reflect the wealth of practical
experience in conducting medicine prices and availability surveys garnered in the project’s first two phases.
2nd edition. Essential guideline for humanitarian assistance
Offical Statement
INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 12(12):1376–1379
Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB control
16 January 2008
Global Health Advocacy and Activism Department of Global Health, George Washington University
This handbook has been compiled as a source of ideas and experiences that can be used for CLTS orientation workshops, advocacy to stakeholders, training facilitators and natural leaders and implementing CLTS activities. It is a resource book especially for field staff, facilitators and trainers for ...planning, implementation and follow-up for CLTS.
The Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre | University College London | 4 Taviton Street | London WC1H OBT | United Kingdom| Principal Investigator: Dr Raymond Lang | Email: | Tel: +44 (0)207 679 1519 | Research Commissioned by the Southern African Federation ...of the Disabled’s (SAFOD) |
DFID-funded Research Programme
Chapter · January 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0_25
D.D. Celentano and C. Beyrer (eds.), Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0 25, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
Reference book specifying the principles of intervention for all food security activities, from initial assessment to programme implementation.
Third Stocktaking Report, 2008
Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS