African Journal of Laboratory Medicine | Vol 7, No 2 | a796 | 06 December 2018
Tuberculosis "Disease of Many, everyone's fight''
Comunicat de presă
Accessed December 2017
Rutstein SE et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21579 |
Guía para países de bajos ingresos. 2 edición
2nd edition.
The practical aspects of TB patient care from the onset of symptoms to the completion of treatment are covered in this guide
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs | July – September 2017
LEAVING NO-ONE BEHIND | “A Journey to End NTDs – Elimination and Care” records what we have achieved over the last year and where we are now. It presents our plan of action for the coming years, bringing our ‘traditional’ NTD work together with ‘Disease Management Disability and Inclusio...n’ (DMDI), Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) and Livelihoods. We care for those affected and we’re working to enhance community and government ownership through national
health system strengthening, community engagement and cross-sectoral action. Ultimately, we are working to free future generations from these menacing diseases, improving prevention and treatment, without forgetting those for whom prevention and treatment are too late because they already have a disability.
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
World's largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher
Chapter 7 from the book People's Movements in the 21st Century - Risks, Challenges and Benefits
Key populations brief
Accessed 2017
Key populations brief
Accessed 2017